What's Interesting In The Kolomna Kremlin

What's Interesting In The Kolomna Kremlin
What's Interesting In The Kolomna Kremlin

Kolomna Kremlin is one of the most ancient, beautiful and interesting fortresses in Russia. It is large and you won't be able to see all the buildings in 15 minutes, there are many museums and temples in the Kremlin.

What's interesting in the Kolomna Kremlin
What's interesting in the Kolomna Kremlin

It is often called the most beautiful Kremlin of the Moscow region and the most interesting; it is located on an area of 24 hectares.

The Kremlin was built for 6 years (from 1525 to 1531), it was erected by order of Prince Vasily III. Kolomna Kremlin is considered one of the most mysterious architectural monuments in Russia. According to one version, the construction of the Kremlin was carried out under the leadership of the Italian architect Aleviz Fryazin (he participated in the construction of the Kremlin in Moscow). It is believed that the projects of the Kolomna Kremlin and the Moscow Kremlin are very similar.

The length of the Kremlin walls in Kolomna was 1940 m, the height of the walls was from 18 m to 21, there were 16 towers in total (only 7 have survived).


On the territory of the Kremlin there are museums and shops, it is here that the tram museum is located (there are no real trams, there are only miniatures in the museum). In some buildings, temporary exhibitions are held, temporary expositions of museums from other cities of Russia are placed.

The shops sell gingerbread cookies and the famous Kolomna marshmallow, their prices are higher than in ordinary stores in the city. The pastilles are tasty, not as dense and sweet as the pastilles of other manufacturers (it differs very much from the famous "Belevskaya"). In some houses there are buffets, they sell all kinds of pastries.

Most of the buildings in the Kremlin were residential, with memorial plaques on the facades of some buildings.


The Kremlin has two cathedrals, one monastery and six churches. A harmful camel lives in the Novogolutvinsky convent, which does not like tourists very much, in no case do not approach it. In summer, delicious monastery pies are sold on Cathedral Square.


The walls and towers of the Kolomna Kremlin were not completely preserved because of the local residents, in the 19th century they dismantled the walls of the fortress, because there were not enough bricks to build residential buildings. Emperor Nicholas I, by his decree, stopped the destruction of this unique architectural monument.

It is believed that the walls and towers of the Kolomna Kremlin repeated the fortification forms of the Northern Italian fortresses.


There are legends about the Kolomna Kremlin, two of the most famous of them are associated with Maria Mnishek. There is a legend that the troublemaker was imprisoned in 1611 in the Marinkina tower, but she did not die in prison, and after a while she turned into a crow and flew away from the tower (which is why the tower is called Marinkina).


According to the second legend, a treasure is kept under the sash of the Pyatnitsky Gate, which Marina Mnishek hid together with her husband, the Cossack Ataman Zarutsky. The Pyatnitsky gate has survived, they did not have time to be dismantled in the 19th century, so the version about the existence of the treasure is not confirmed by anything, but is not refuted either.
