Mysteries Of The Planet: Repentant Snows

Mysteries Of The Planet: Repentant Snows
Mysteries Of The Planet: Repentant Snows

Sometimes science cannot find the correct explanation for mysterious phenomena. This happened with unusual snow needles called penitentes or kalgaspores. Their peculiarity is that they do not melt throughout the year, even in the desert. It is believed to have been first described by Charles Darwin in March 1835.

Mysteries of the Planet: Repentant Snows
Mysteries of the Planet: Repentant Snows

Penitentes means penitent in Portuguese. Translated from German, the concept of "kalgaspore" has about the same meaning, repentant snow. The pointed peaks resemble the white headdresses of the clergy.

Reality and hypotheses

The similarity is enhanced by the fact that the kalgaspores "look" in one direction, to the east. In the Atacama Desert, this orientation coincided with the direction of the wind. Local residents are sure that it was the wind that became the "sculptor".

The exact same picture can be seen everywhere: a strict alignment to the east. Science believes that the reason was not the wind, but the orientation along the parallels, because repentant snows are formed closer to the equator. The sun's rays fall there almost vertically.

Observations of the brotherhood of the crusades led to the hypothesis of education due to the sun. Snow melts only on one side. As a result, depressions appear, reflecting light from one and "undermining" the opposite side as a result.

Mysteries of the Planet: Repentant Snows
Mysteries of the Planet: Repentant Snows

Examples of

Scientists have found out why the snow does not completely melt from the bright sun. According to the researchers, the reason was the dryness of the air, the unevenness of the surface and its rockiness. This provides the conditions for "cross-sharpening" with the reflection of light from the sun or evaporation. From a solid state, a liquid immediately passes into a gaseous state, that is, it sublimates.

In the hot Atacama, such a picture looks very impressive: the snow needles seem to grow out of the hot soil, although precipitation is extremely rare in this area. However, due to heavy snowfall in 2011, there were fears of possible flooding.

Kalgaspores usually occupy many kilometers of area, and the usual size of needles is 6 meters. The most notable, thirty-meter "monks" were found on Everest, on the Khumbu glacier.

Scientists have not been able to answer how the process of formation of the ice thicket is going. According to one of the hypotheses, the sharp top precipitates moisture, which forms a "reverse icicle" when it flows down.

Mysteries of the Planet: Repentant Snows
Mysteries of the Planet: Repentant Snows

The search continues

The researchers suggest that both the electromagnetic field and solar radiation affect the process. Science assures that the wind does not play any role, although the locals are sure of the opposite.

Climbers use kalgaspor as a kind of stairs with fixed ropes on especially steep slopes, where it takes too much time and effort to descend or ascend.

Interestingly, the penitantes are found on other planets as well. Formations of "monks" are on the surface of Europa, the moon of Jupiter, covered with an ice crust.

Mysteries of the Planet: Repentant Snows
Mysteries of the Planet: Repentant Snows

It is more usual for people to admire the mysterious beauties of their native planet. The unknown is quite enough on it.
