How To Determine The Cardinal Points In The Forest

How To Determine The Cardinal Points In The Forest
How To Determine The Cardinal Points In The Forest

Table of contents:


Going into nature, in the forest for berries or mushrooms, do not forget the compass and the map of the area. But even without them, you should not despair and panic, there are many folk signs with which you can determine the cardinal points and thus orient yourself.

How to determine the cardinal points in the forest
How to determine the cardinal points in the forest

It is necessary

  • - compass;
  • - clock.


Step 1

If you have a compass, go to the forest, set it up. Move 50-100 meters away from the road, turn in the direction where you are going to return. Shake the compass lightly and place it in the palm of your hand. Align the compass needle with the north mark on the watch face. Look at the degree value of your direction. This will be your guide. When you decide to move back, also align the arrow with the north and turn to face there. Now find the vector of your road and move there. Adjust your course by repeating the entire procedure from time to time

Step 2

By the clock, you can also determine the cardinal points. Hold them in the palm of your hand and point the hour hand toward the sun. Divide the angle between the number 1 and the hour hand in half - this is the direction to the south. Accordingly, the opposite side will be north, the one on the right hand, east, and on the left - west. Set the clock to local time

Step 3

Be guided by the plants in the forest, these are a kind of natural compasses. Look for a dark moss line on the tree trunks on the north side. It is formed because the bark dries faster from the sun on the south side, and moss grows on the opposite side, where there is moisture. In hot weather, resin appears on the trunks of spruces and pines, of course, there is more of it in the south, where the sun heats the tree

Step 4

Watch butterflies, when they rest, they fold their wings so that the sun does not heat them up. When the luminary moves, the insects also turn. In the morning, the folded wings of the butterfly are directed to the east, at noon - to the south, in the evening - to the west

Step 5

When looking for berries, pay attention to which side of the stumps and bumps the fruits are more ripe and bright. This will be the south. In the meadows, a greenish ripening barrel of berries will point you north. Mushrooms and dense moss grow best on the north side

Step 6

Find a forest anthill. Its southern side is flatter than the northern one. Ants build their settlements next to the trees on the south side. In the spring, try to orient yourself in the snow. It melts faster on the south side. But in ravines, pits, hollows, snow melts better from the north, because the sun's rays do not fall on the opposite part of the depressions

Step 7

On a clear night sky, identify the North Star - it is always motionless and is located in the north in the constellation Ursa Major.
