The train is a comfortable form of transport, popular with tourists, businessmen and others. It is easy to use railway transport services, you need to buy a ticket at the ticket office of Russian Railways.

The train is an affordable and convenient means of transportation. Passengers like to enjoy the view from the train window, it is considered the safest mode of transport. To travel, you need to purchase a ticket at the Russian Railways ticket office, which is located at each railway station. At the ticket offices, passengers purchase a travel document in the desired direction to the desired station.
When buying a ticket at the Russian Railways ticket office, you must provide the details of the passenger's identity document, such a document is a passport or driver's license, for a child ticket - a birth certificate. It is not necessary to present the original at the checkout, a sheet of paper with a written number and a series of the document will be enough. When boarding the carriage, the documents, the details of which are entered in the ticket, will need to be presented to the carriage conductor.
It is profitable to buy a ticket in advance
You can buy a ticket for a compartment carriage at the ticket office of Russian Railways with a 15% discount if the purchase is made 45 or 31 days before the scheduled departure date of the train. If you buy a ticket at the box office in less than 10 days, you will pay 10% more. This solution reduces the load on ticket offices and allows all buyers to be provided with tickets.
No tickets?
If the tickets at the box office of Russian Railways have run out, do not despair: there is an opportunity to purchase a return ticket, you need to wait a while. Often, for some reason, people return the purchased tickets to the ticket office a few hours or minutes before the train departs. It happens that a day or an hour before departure, tickets come on sale that were previously booked for the military, civil servants, but they were not in demand.
Tickets for a group of passengers
It so happens that a group of people gathers on a trip who need tickets in one carriage with adjacent seats. If the group consists of no more than 9 people, then a representative of the group can purchase tickets by providing the documents of all persons to the ticket office. It should be noted that one person can buy no more than 9 tickets, if more are needed, then the group will be considered organized and an application must be submitted with a list of all the names, given passports of each. The application is submitted by the group leader 45 or 10 days before the train departure date. The same conditions apply to a group of children.