Bracelets have long been considered beautiful jewelry for men, but today it is also a very fashionable trend. Modern men wear classic silver and gold bracelets; young people prefer fabric, plastic and knitted baubles. Moreover, some representatives of the stronger sex are interested in what hand should a man's bracelet be worn on?

How to wear a bracelet for men
To date, there is no specific rule for wearing a men's bracelet. Most men wear it on their right hand, as the left hand is already occupied with a stylish and expensive watch. Some men consider wearing a bracelet an unworthy occupation for a representative of the stronger sex - however, they are mistaken. The accessory in the form of a stylish bracelet will emphasize the great attractiveness, sexuality and charm of a man, creating a stunning contrast between strong masculine hands and a delicate jewelry made of precious or not very metal.
So, a gold or platinum bracelet speaks about the status of its owner, as well as about his solvency and independence.
If a man does not wear a watch, the bracelet can be worn on any hand he likes. If you wish, you can combine the bracelet with a watch - this will emphasize the originality and confidence of a man, since not everyone will dare to wear this accessory. When choosing a bracelet, you must remember the importance of combining it with the style of clothing and other accessories (cufflinks, tie, tie barrette).
Which bracelets are suitable for men
So, men should choose bracelets made of platinum, gold, silver, wood, bone, plastic and leather, which are discreet in execution. Bright knitted baubles are allowed for young guys. When wearing a bracelet, it does not matter the age of the man or the severity of his suit - some freely wear this accessory even in the amount of several pieces.
The main principle of wearing men's bracelets is that the more expensive the material from which they are made, the more solid the bracelets look on the man's hand.
The classics of the genre are metal bracelets, but leather bracelets, which emphasize the strong and even wild nature of their owner, are simpler, but characteristic jewelry. Thin silver bracelets are great for creative romantic men, while multi-colored braided baubles are most often chosen by guys with a rebellious spirit and love of life.
A basic rule of thumb for men to wear bracelets is to never mix gold and silver together, as it is tasteless and vulgar. If desired, you can wear leather and silver bracelets together, as well as complement them with rings made of appropriate materials. This will highlight the elegance and style of the man, forcing the woman to pay attention to him and become interested in his extraordinary and daring personality.