Where Is The Best Place To Relax: In Spain Or Greece?

Where Is The Best Place To Relax: In Spain Or Greece?
Where Is The Best Place To Relax: In Spain Or Greece?

Mediterranean countries attract tourists from all over the world. Greece and Spain are especially popular. It is not easy to choose between the two states, because each has its own special flavor and amazing culture.

Where is the best place to relax: in Spain or Greece?
Where is the best place to relax: in Spain or Greece?

Spain or Greece: urban streets or rustic simplicity?

Both Spain and Greece are great countries for a beach holiday. The warm sea and golden coast will help you relax, take a break from the cold and restore your health. However, depending on the country you choose, you will have different landscapes behind you.

The best Greek beaches are located on islands, of which there are more than 200. The most popular - Crete, Rhodes, Corfu - do not have large coastal cities. All island life is enclosed in villages. Small settlements along the coastlines offer tourists a relaxing and relaxing holiday. The latter is facilitated by the special attitude of local residents: they will always come to the rescue, help you choose the most delicious wine and meat.

The coastline of Spain is another matter. Island holidays are also very popular here. However, the Canaries, the Balears, and Mallorca are not made up of villages, but of medieval towns. Here you can easily get lost in the narrow streets, literally saturated with the historical spirit.

Thus, choosing between Greece and Spain, decide what is closer to you. If you want to spend your vacation as close to nature as possible, go to Greece. A more urban welcome awaits in Spain.

Entertainment and nightlife

Comparing Spain and Greece in terms of historical sites is a futile exercise. Both countries have many cultural values and sightseeing spots. More interesting and important for the choice are the opportunities to have fun and have fun for real.

Spain is more famous for holidays, various festivals, exhibitions and street events. In the same country, nightlife is more developed: many clubs, restaurants, bars work almost around the clock. Ibiza is especially popular and world famous.

In Greece, combining beach and nightlife will be much more difficult. Basically, cultural life is concentrated on the mainland, not far from major cities. However, interesting places can also be found on the islands, for example in Crete. Malia resort is especially popular with young people.

Children's question

The reviews from family travelers are unambiguous: in Spain, children's infrastructure is much better developed than in Greece. Numerous playgrounds, parks and attractions will make your child's vacation unforgettable. And you don't have to worry about the rest of the baby: the recommended age limit is set on the playgrounds.

In Greece, children are treated with love. However, there are far fewer opportunities for entertainment, and the sites are minimalist. Standard set: small slide, swing and simple carousel.

Thus, if your child loves to spend time actively and delighted with large playgrounds, Spain will be the best choice for recreation. If the kid is inclined to enjoy not active games, but picking in the sand or studying vegetation - feel free to choose Greece. In both countries, both you and your child will be welcome: restaurants will always offer a special menu and a highchair.