Altamira: Description, History, Excursions, Exact Address

Altamira: Description, History, Excursions, Exact Address
Altamira: Description, History, Excursions, Exact Address

In Cantabria (a province in Spain) there is a very popular cave - Altamira. It is famous for its multi-colored rock paintings, created during the Upper Paleolithic (about 17 thousand years ago).

Altamira: description, history, excursions, exact address
Altamira: description, history, excursions, exact address


The first owner of the site is the Grand Count of Spain Marcelino Sanz de Soutuola. Everyone knew this cave - hunters rested here, and shepherds hid in bad weather. And then one day, when the count's daughter entered this cave, she drew her dad's attention to the barely distinguishable spots forming in animals.

The girl was able to make out horses, bulls, deer and buffalo. It was a unique find, and it was thanks to her that the value of the cave was discovered, and the count's family embarked on a path of failure. The fact is that the count, being an amateur archaeologist, not only suggested the time when the drawings appeared, but also made a loud statement.

As a result, the largest and most eminent experts ridiculed the Count's opinion, humiliated him and accused him of falsification. The aristocrat, with great difficulty, was able to endure all the insults and accusations, and 15 years after his death, all these specialists officially admitted that they were wrong and agreed with the antiquity of the drawings.

Altamira cave drawings

Altamir's painting boggles the human imagination. The plafond of the room - the low ceiling in the hall, occupies about 100 square meters. The walls and ceilings are covered with images of 20 different animals, and the painting was able to fit into the relief surface. Animals are displayed here on bulges, due to the creation of the illusion of volume.

The drawings on the ceilings complement those on the wall, made with a steady hand. The lines are made without corrections and with one stroke - all this conveys the movement of the depicted animals.

When writing the drawings, natural paints were used - kaolin, ocher, as well as hematite and manganese, which made it possible to create a unique range of colors.

It is also surprising that 17 thousand years ago, artists of that time used the same techniques that later, in the 19th century AD, were discovered by impressionist artists.

History preservation

Since 1985 Altamir has been included in the UNESCO list as a masterpiece of human genius. Anyone interested in history will find it a pleasure to visit the cave, but at the moment, access to it is seriously limited.

No more than 5 people are allowed into the cave every day, so anyone who wants to see the story must get permission. But even this is difficult to do - the queue is scheduled for 3 years. You can also buy copies of the images - you can do this at the Archaeological Museum of Madrid. You can also buy drawings in Japan and Munich.

Information for tourists: opening hours, how to get there

Fans can walk near Altamir and enter the museum near the cave. The ticket costs 3 euros. Opening hours:

  • Tuesday-Saturday - from 9.30 to 20.00 (May-October) and from 9.30 to 18.00 (November-April).
  • Holidays and weekends - from 9.30 to 15.00.

The museum is closed on certain days of the year. This can be seen on the official website.
