How To Get To Vyborg From St. Petersburg

How To Get To Vyborg From St. Petersburg
How To Get To Vyborg From St. Petersburg

There are several ways to get from St. Petersburg to Vyborg. The choice of the optimal travel option guarantees minimum cash costs, as well as maximum comfort when driving to Vyborg from the Northern capital of Russia.

How to get to Vyborg from St. Petersburg
How to get to Vyborg from St. Petersburg

From St. Petersburg to Vyborg by train

You can get from St. Petersburg to Vyborg by electric train. All trains to Vyborg start from the Finland Station in St. Petersburg. The fare is about 250 rubles. Travel time to the destination is a little over 2 hours. This method of travel between cities is convenient if you need to get to your destination with minimal cash costs and as quickly as possible.

You can get to Vyborg by train with a change in Zelenogorsk. This is a less convenient route option, but it is also acceptable. The first electric train leaves Finland Station at 23:30 and arrives in Zelenogorsk at 00:26. This is followed by a wait of a little more than 5 hours. The electric train to the final destination leaves at 05:41 and arrives in Vyborg at 06:58.

An express train departs from Finland Station to Vyborg. At the price of a ticket, it is similar to an electric train, but there is less on the way. The travel time of the express train to Vyborg is 1.5 hours. It leaves from Finland Station at 07:47, 18:15 and 20:40.

How to get to Vyborg by fast train

Of the fast trains, the Moscow - Helsinki train, which leaves from the Ladozhsky railway station, can be noted. It takes about 2 hours to reach Vyborg, but the fare is much higher. A seat in a compartment carriage will cost approximately 2,000 rubles.

The fast Allegro train on the St. Petersburg - Helsinki route reaches Vyborg in 55 minutes. This is the fastest way to travel between two points.

How to get to Vyborg by bus

A large number of buses follow from St. Petersburg to Vyborg. They depart from different points of the Northern capital of Russia and at different times. Thus, if for some reason it is impossible to go by train, you can always get to Vyborg by bus.

Quite a lot of bus routes leave from the Ozerki metro station. Depending on the route, buses arrive either at the bus station or at the Vyborg railway station. It should be noted that the travel time to the railway station increases by 1 hour compared to the route to the bus station and is 3 hours.

There are buses that can pick up a person from a specific address in St. Petersburg and take him to a specific address in Vyborg. This becomes extremely convenient if the final destination is unfamiliar and you need to arrive at a specific location. Such buses run quite often during the day.

A bus leaves from the Northern Bus Station, which reaches Vyborg in 2 hours, but the fare is lower - 140 rubles. This route follows at 08:10 and 21:00.
