Basques: A Mysterious People

Basques: A Mysterious People
Basques: A Mysterious People

In Europe, and throughout the world, there are many nationalities that do not have their own country. The most mysterious and extraordinary of them are the Basques living in two countries - France and Spain.

Basques: a mysterious people
Basques: a mysterious people

The Basques are an amazing people who managed to preserve the original customs and the most ancient language of their nation. They put national identity and ethnic self-consciousness above the volatile generally accepted values. The origin of this unique ethnos is vague, and controversy constantly flares up around it. Not only historians are trying to solve the riddle, but also geneticists, linguists, physiognomists and scientists of other directions.

The origin of the Basque people

According to official data, the Basques originated from the Vascones, who lived in the territory of modern Spain during a period when the lands were not yet captured by the Romans. But genetic facts challenge historical theory. Geneticists have discovered in the representatives of the Basque people family ties with the Aquitanians (French), Cantabras (Indo-Europeans), Portuguese, English and other peoples.

Paleontologists have also contributed to the debate about the origins of the Basques. According to their research, this is the most ancient people in the history of mankind, closely associated with the Sami, Iberians, Celts and Irish.

Basques respect their language very much, are proud of it and do their best to preserve it. Most of the representatives of this ethnic group speak their native dialect - the Euskara language. It is considered relict, dates back to pre-Roman times, and does not resemble any of the ancient or existing languages. In 1960, a world-class linguist, doctor of sciences in this field, Basque by origin and conviction Luis Michelena created the literary unified language of Euskara, translated a huge number of classical works into it, and adapted the works of the Basques for English.

Basque tradition and character

At the moment, the largest settlements of the Basque people are located in the north of Spain and the south of France. They are characterized by stone houses painted red. If we talk about the customs and character of the representatives of this people, then it is imperative to note such features as

  • striving for absolute freedom,
  • love of holidays and grandiose performances,
  • centuries-old interest in navigation and cattle breeding,
  • strict adherence to the precepts of ancestors and religiosity,
  • irascibility and conservatism.

The Basques are a rather militant people, but only in terms of protecting their interests and never aimed at conquering or capturing someone else's. However, many of the well-known representatives of this ethnic group have been and are now engaged in illegal activities, or rather, smuggling.

But there are other Basques, honoring the rule of law and famous in other fields, and even fictional characters - the composer Ravel Maurice, the book hero Gascon d'Artagnan and his prototype - the eponymous count from the province of Gascony, couturier Paco Rabanne, writer Miguel de Unamuno and others.
