Germany is a country with firm rules, strict laws, and the latest technologies. In its appearance, medieval beauty and modern pace of life are surprisingly combined. If you want to temporarily or permanently move to Germany, you will need to get used to the peculiarities of life in it.

Step 1
The Germans are very accurate and punctual. They do not cross the road at a red light, even if they live in a small town, and there are very few cars on the roads. The favorite transport of the Germans is a bicycle. For cyclists in Germany, special bike paths are made, paved with tiles. In Germany, the cleanliness and neatness of the streets is pleasing to the eye. There is no litter here, and before entering the room, the soles of the shoes are thoroughly cleaned on the mat.
Step 2
Germans are economical and hardworking. Many of them work their whole lives, and when they retire, they go to travel the world with the money accumulated especially for this.
Step 3
Germans love peace and quiet. In this country, you can get a pretty big fine for breaking the silence after 10 pm. Also late at night it is better not to call anyone, it is indecent. But at 7-8 o'clock in the morning it is already possible, as the Germans get up early. The working day usually starts at 8 am.
Step 4
Germans love and respect their culture. On big holidays, many of them wear national costumes. Theaters in Germany still stage plays based on plays written many centuries ago.
Step 5
Often German parents separate their children from themselves when they turn 14. From this age, teenagers can live separately in rented apartments. Older parents, by the way, do not live with their children either. Most often, they move to nursing homes, where they make friends and where they are looked after by health workers.
Step 6
Germans are big food lovers. Dishes of traditional German cuisine: pork knuckle, potato salad, fried brisket on ribs, etc. German pastries are especially famous - every day up to 200 varieties of different breads are delivered to confectioneries in Germany. One cannot but mention the world popularity of the famous German strudel - a puff roll with raisins, apples, berries or jam. Germany's national drink is beer. Several thousand types of beer are brewed here.
Step 7
In their free time, most Germans play sports. No wonder there are 86 thousand sports societies in Germany. Some Germans devote their weekends to sports. Germans also like to spend their free time in the garden.