Georgia is an unusual and interesting country, which is worth trying to travel on your own. If you prepare for this correctly, the task will not be so difficult. A trip to Georgia, like any independent trip, is an activity that requires careful planning.

Preparing for the trip
It is advisable to start the preparatory stage of the trip a few weeks before the planned dates of the trip. Fortunately, some of the problems inherent in visiting other countries can be avoided during a trip to Georgia. For example, you will not need to apply for a visa for this trip, as there is currently a visa-free regime between Russia and Georgia. At the same time, you can stay in the country without a visa for up to 90 days - this will be quite enough to have time to see most of the most interesting places.
It is the choice of places to visit that should be the next planning stage. Depending on exactly where you want to go, you will need to develop your own route. For example, to wander around the old city to your heart's content, you can go to Tbilisi, get to know the ancient monasteries better - in Kutaisi, and relax by the sea - in Batumi or Poti. You can determine the main points that you plan to visit and draw up a route by studying numerous reviews of tourists who have already visited this country on various forums and sites.
Route planning
Depending on where you decide to go, you should plan your movements. So, the most convenient way to get to the country is by plane, and you can go there by direct flight not only from Moscow, but also from other large cities of Russia, for example, Yekaterinburg. However, several major carriers also offer convenient connecting flights, so air travel will not cause significant problems.
Another issue that needs to be addressed is the planning of movements within the country. For example, a fairly convenient way to travel is using the Georgian railway, which has an extensive network that allows you to get to many, even small towns. You can familiarize yourself with the train schedule and choose a suitable one directly on the website of the Georgian railway Information on it is available in Georgian, Russian and English.
And if you feel confident and have enough driving experience to navigate mountain roads with ease, you can rent a car. This, of course, will be somewhat more expensive than public transport, but it will give incomparable freedom of movement and the opportunity to see more interesting things.
Hotel selection
In large cities of Georgia, such as Tbilisi or Batumi, choosing a hotel will not be difficult: popular booking systems offer a large number of options. You just have to compare them with each other, after reading the reviews of tourists who have already visited here, and choose from the places you like that are suitable for the price.
But if you are planning a trip to a small town or village, be prepared for the fact that hotels in the usual sense of the word may not be there. However, this is a great chance to take advantage of the hospitality of local residents, asking them to help in finding an overnight stay. In most cases, they will quickly show you where you can spend the night for a reasonable fee, and a sincere conversation and an impressive story about the sights of Georgia will certainly become a pleasant bonus to the procedure for finding an accommodation.