If you travel to a ski resort by plane and take your skis with you, you are probably worried about transporting them. It is important to know how to properly pack them and check them in luggage, whether it will cost extra money.

It is necessary
Sturdy ski bag
Step 1
Most people worry that skis, because of their length, are oversized baggage and that difficulties with them will arise for this reason. But such fears are in vain. Carriers, with rare exceptions, are not concerned with the size of the baggage, but with its weight. Skis are not yet the longest type of baggage passengers are trying to carry. Therefore, make sure that the total weight of the bags, including the skis, does not exceed the norm.
Step 2
As a rule, free baggage allowances differ little from one airline to another. If you are flying in Economy Class, you will most likely be allowed to carry 20-25 kg of baggage. For first or business class passengers, the rate increases to 30-40 kg. There are low-cost airlines that do not include free baggage in the ticket price at all; you need to pay extra for it. Check this point in advance.
Step 3
If, in the total amount by weight, the things that you have with you exceed the established norm, you will need to pay extra for this. Some airlines adhere to the rules that if the baggage includes skis and other sports equipment, in case of excess weight, all sports equipment is estimated at 3 kg. But this is not always the case. It is possible that for each extra kilogram you will be charged a certain fee. You can try to "outwit" the check: put heavy things in your carry-on baggage and carry it into the aircraft cabin. The main thing is to take with you only those things that are not prohibited for carriage in the cabin. Carry-on baggage is usually not weighed. There is nothing illegal in this method.
Step 4
The skis that you intend to transport on the plane should be well packed. For this, it is best to buy a special ski cover, and it is better to choose the one that is stronger. The straps and handles must be attached to it conscientiously. The fact is that airport workers usually do not stand on ceremony with their luggage, so weak fasteners will quickly come off. The cover itself can also be damaged from such treatment, so take a strong and high quality one.
Step 5
Stack your skis securely together. Rewind so that they do not rub against each other, otherwise the sharp edge of one ski can damage the surface of the other.