At the end of March, children are waiting for the long-awaited spring break, which is quite possible and even necessary to spend enjoying a good rest. Where to go on vacation in March with children?

If you do not limit the time range to the last decade of March, but are ready to sacrifice a week at the beginning or middle of the month, the list of holiday destinations expands significantly. Life flies by so quickly that even a little school can be sacrificed for the sake of wonderful moments of relaxation. So, we went to choose a destination for families with children in March.
Where to go in March with children at sea?
The best weather in March is in the resorts of Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, Goa, Jordan (in Aqaba), as well as the Canary Islands and the Dominican Republic. It is quite possible to have a rest in Egypt in March, especially since March is already considered a low season and this month you can find very cheap travel deals for holidays in Egypt. True, in March it is windy in Egypt, and the air temperature is kept at around + 24-25 ° С. On the other hand, this temperature is quite comfortable for northerners, and acclimatization will pass quickly, but the wind …
On the Hainan Island in China in March, holidays with children also promise to be comfortable: the average air temperature fluctuates between + 29 ° С and + 32 ° С. Approximately the same weather prevails in early spring in the resorts of Phuket, Lantu (Lantau), Samet, Yaoyai, Krabi, Phi Phi (Thailand). In the UAE, in addition to the wonderful weather conditions for a beach holiday, you can also make good purchases in March - this month sales begin.
If we consider the question "where to go on vacation in March with children at sea" in terms of price, then the cheapest option will be Egypt, slightly more expensive than the UAE and Thailand. Holidays in March in Goa, China and Jordan will be even more expensive, but the most expensive option was, is and remains premium resorts - the Canary Islands and the Dominican Republic. Fiji and French Polynesia, where you can also go to rest in March with children, is better not to be considered, given the still very difficult flight - 20/30 hours in the air with a long transfer in Japan or Dubai.
Where to go to rest in Europe in March with children?
The choice is huge. But keep in mind that March is not the best month for sightseeing and educational trips across Europe. Firstly, the savings on heating are unusual, typical for hotels and apartments in Italy, Spain, Austria, for example. Many people complain that +14.. + 17 degrees in the room / apartment is too cold for a comfortable stay. Secondly, rain and fog. They don't care for avid travelers, but children …
But if you really want or you have found an option with the usual heating, children of seven years and older can be taken with you to the Czech Republic (Prague), France (Paris, Loire Castles), Hungary (Budapest), Istanbul (Turkey). Excursion programs in European countries are traditionally very rich and interesting, as they include not only visits to museums and iconic sights, but also theme nights in taverns and restaurants, boat trips, visits to natural monuments and mystical places.
Traveling in March has two undeniable advantages:
- There are no crowds of tourists
- Prices for tours in March, as a rule, are significantly lower than the cost of the same trip in terms of duration and comfort, but at the end of April or in May.
And if it is still cold in Prague, Vienna or Budapest in March, in Istanbul and Paris one can already feel the approach of spring. By the way, if you are worried about the question "where to go to rest in March with children" in the mountains, then Andorra, the same Turkey (Ulu-Dag), Bulgaria, Austria, where the ski season is coming to an end, and with fairly moderate prices it is quite possible to go for a good ride, putting at the same time on skis and your beloved child.
If you want not only to have a rest with children, but also to improve your health a little for yourself or your child, March is the best month for this. In the spring, as you know, most chronic ailments are exacerbated, while March prophylaxis in Karlovy Vary (where prices, by the way, are not much higher than the courses in Kislovodsk or Sochi) or in boarding houses on the thermal lake Heviz (Hungary) will significantly reduce the intensity of exacerbation. Moreover, the prices for spring vouchers are, again, cheaper than the cost of treatment in the summer months.
Where to go to rest in March with children in Russia?
It's early at sea. To the north - already tired of the snow and wind. The best option is a cultural, educational or medical trip. The classic options for cultural and educational tours include a trip to St. Petersburg (both as part of a group tour and independently), a trip to Moscow, Pskov, along the Golden Ring.
For treatment in the first month of spring, it is better to choose Kislovodsk, Goryachy Klyuch or Zheleznovodsk. The fact is that these cities are located in the south of the country. There, one way or another, it already smells distinctly of spring. And besides, it is at these thermal and balneological resorts of Russia that there are delightful giant spa parks and mountain terrenkurs - natural healing factors.