There is an opinion that the Bulgarians do not like Russian tourists. Numerous reviews of Russians who have visited Bulgarian resorts testify to the hostile and dismissive attitude towards Russians in Bulgaria. Is it really? If not, how are the incidents leading to such conclusions to be explained?

First, you need to understand that when preparing for a trip to another country, you must at least briefly familiarize yourself with its history, culture and legal norms. It often happens that tourists find themselves in unpleasant situations due to their own ignorance and ignorance. And it is a mistake to think that if the Bulgarians are our “brothers-Slavs”, then you will not find anything special that is not in Russia. We must not forget that with common roots, this is a different people and a different mentality that has been formed over the centuries. And the Bulgarians are much closer in spirit to the Greeks and Turks than we are. Here are some of the features that a Russian tourist in Bulgaria should remember. Expressing their agreement, Bulgarians shake their heads from left to right, which reminds of the Russian “no”, but the Russian “yes” for them means disagreement. In Bulgaria, they are quite strict about drunkenness, it is not customary to appear on the streets drunk, and even more so it is unacceptable to arrange fights and disrupt public order.
But here there is another misfortune - gypsies, about 600 thousand of them live on the territory of Bulgaria. You may have had experience of dealing with gypsies in Russia as well, the rules remain the same: if you are not in the mood to give alms, hide your wallet deeper, do not look them in the eye and try to pass by as soon as possible. If the gypsies are persistent and intent on persecuting you, you can raise your voice - they will quickly fall behind. Bulgarians greatly respect their departed relatives, so do not be surprised at the obituaries hung on trees, doors, fences and even road signs, which are a photograph of the deceased, under which the name and date of death are indicated. There is no need to point a finger at them, the Bulgarians consider this gesture offensive. There are many other national peculiarities of the Bulgarians, which it would be advisable for Russian tourists to familiarize with before the trip. This topic is widely represented in the travel literature in the relevant sections of bookstores.
Secondly, cases of ill-will on the part of Bulgarians towards Russian vacationers can be explained by the fact that, as in any nationality, people with different characters meet here. There are friendly and sympathetic, there are gloomy and dissatisfied with life. Don't take everything personally! Bulgarians may not show a pronounced love for Russians, but they are quite loyal and friendly if they are not provoked by their behavior. Most importantly, no matter what reason you go to Bulgaria, on vacation or on a business trip, remember that you are a guest of this country and must show respect for its inhabitants and their traditions.