The date of celebration of the International Day of Peace differs from country to country. Some celebrate this holiday during the spring equinox, that is, March 20 - 21. Others celebrate Peace Day on April 22nd. Depending on the date of the event, the meaning of the holiday and the events timed to this event are somewhat different.

Step 1
On the Day of Peace, celebrated in March, the peace bell must be rung. By the end of the 20th century, similar bells were installed in more than 20 countries. Their ringing makes people think about the tragedies that have befallen the peoples of the Earth, calls to protect peace and life on the planet.
Step 2
Peace Day on April 22 is dedicated to saving life. On such a holiday, you can have a conversation in the team about the need to preserve trees, clean air and water for each person. Such conversations are especially useful in educational institutions among the younger generation. It would be nice to tell your listeners how they can help nature on their own.
Step 3
Spend at least a couple of hours of your time and arrange a clean-up day. Earlier, on April 22, Lenin's birthday was celebrated, and people voluntarily went out to clean up and put the adjacent territory in order. Why don't you get together with a group of like-minded people and clean up the nearest park or square from garbage.
Step 4
According to the famous saying, everyone should build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. Tree planting is best done on Peace Day. The end of April is a good time for planting plants - the ground is no longer frozen, the daylight hours are of sufficient length, and the air temperature at night does not drop to values that are destructive for young shoots. It doesn't matter if you plant a tree in your yard, or in an organized group you will sow a future park or forest belt. In any case, it will be your small but very important contribution to nature conservation.
Step 5
However, nature needs to be helped not only once a year. People often start a new life from some important date for them. On Peace Day, you can promise not to litter the streets, always clean up after yourself when you go to the beach or go on a picnic. By observing these simple rules, you will be doing a great service to the Earth.