The size of a city is determined by its population. There are many places in the world where the number of inhabitants reaches one million or two. But there are cities, the population of which can be compared with a small country. So far, there are few such places, and most of them are concentrated in Asia.

Step 1
The overpopulation of the Asian region is legendary throughout the world. However, they are invented by life itself: most of the largest cities on the planet are concentrated in the East. The leader in this segment is the largest country in terms of population - China.
Step 2
China is home to the three largest cities in the world. About the first - Chunzin - few people have heard. This city has over 34 million inhabitants and is a major port and industrial center in the country. The second most populous city in China is Guanzhou (Canton). It is home to about 26, 3 million inhabitants. This figure includes both the population of the central part and the outlying regions: Foshan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen. The third largest city in China is Shanghai. Its population reaches 25.8 million. Shanghai is the main and busiest port in the country. This city has a major impact on culture, fashion, technology, finance and global trade.
Step 3
One of the largest capital cities in the world is Tokyo (the capital of Japan). This place is the second after Chunzin, having crossed the line of 30 million. The population of Tokyo is 34.6 million inhabitants. Due to the lack of space, the capital of Japan is recognized as one of the most populous cities.
Step 4
Not far from China and Japan, there is another city in the world with a large number of inhabitants - Seoul. Almost half of the entire population of the country is concentrated in the capital of South Korea. The population in the metropolis reaches 25.6 million people.
Step 5
Another multi-million dollar city is located in Indonesia. The capital of the country, Jakarta, is home to about 25.8 million people. The city is considered the largest metropolis and is actively developing, which stimulates the influx of new residents.
Step 6
The second most populous country in the world also has one of the largest cities. We are talking about India and its capital Delhi. The population of the city is approximately 23.5 million people. The total number in the country reaches 1.2 billion inhabitants. According to scientists, in about 20 years India will leave China behind in terms of population.
Step 7
One of the largest cities in the world is located in Pakistan, bordering India. The town of Karachi attracts a huge number of people from all over South Asia. Such popularity of the city was ensured by universities, where education is conducted at the highest level. As a result, the population of Karachi was 22.1 million inhabitants.
Step 8
The Western Hemisphere also has the largest cities in the world. One of these is Mexico City (the capital of Mexico). This place is considered the main political, educational, cultural and financial center of the country. The population of Mexico City is 23.5 million people.
Step 9
The second largest city in the world in the West is located in the United States. The famous New York boasts a population of 21.5 million. However, this figure is approximate: the bulk of the inhabitants are emigrants, many of whom live in the country illegally (which is why they do not fall under the census).