The field of tourist travel is a wide area for scammers all over the world. Swindlers of all stripes profit from the gullibility of travelers. They take advantage of carelessness and rest, when a person relaxes, loses vigilance, hurries to believe in the best intentions of others and travel companies.

Some travel agencies also do not hesitate to deceive and cheat in their actions. There are even schemes for deceiving gullible citizens. They are forced to pay significant amounts of money for services that are several times cheaper. Or they don't provide them at all. To travel safely, you should familiarize yourself with some of the scam tricks of the scammers.
Drawing of one ticket
This method of deception is used in various service sectors. In the tourism business, it looks like this. In a public place or at an event, holiday, exhibition, a person is asked to fill out a coupon indicating the address and phone number. After a few days, the agent calls the owner of the number and says that the coupon has won a tourist ticket to one of the hottest countries or a popular resort. The trip can be for two people. One day, a couple of winners of the competition arrive at the office of the travel agency, where other winners have gathered. Among them, a competition is being held to purchase the coveted tour to an exotic region. Instant purchase of tickets to the country of destination or the tour itself is offered.
If you do not have sufficient funds with you, then one of the couple can go home and bring the missing amount. Thus, the gullible winner brings money and buys plane tickets or a ticket at a predetermined price. In addition, a non-existent or expired voucher to the resort can be sold to an unlucky tourist.
This whole procedure is arranged on a grand scale. Photos of exotic vistas are on display, promises of excellent service and great service on vacation.
Travel clubs and communities
People come to these clubs on the advice and recommendations of their friends. As a rule, these are closed elite organizations, of which families with high incomes can become members. It should be noted that members of the club who brought new acquaintances here are awarded a bonus. Therefore, the number of gullible people is constantly growing.
The tourist club promises service throughout the year with the provision of profitable trips to popular resorts in the world. But for this it is necessary to make a first installment in considerable amounts. Thus, a pyramid of several hundred people is created. Large one-time contributions are collected from each and all kinds of benefits are promised in the near future. This is where all the manipulations end. After a while, the tourist club simply ceases to exist. No money is returned to anyone.
How to protect yourself from deception? In order not to fall for a deception or a scam, you should take into account some features that must be followed when choosing a trip. The surest way to avoid being scammed is to buy a travel tour from large companies that have proven themselves only from the best side in the service market. Large tour operators buy in advance a huge number of vacation vouchers. They cooperate with hotels and hotels of the highest categories. They offer decent service and maintenance. It is not profitable for them to lose their leading positions in the general fair of proposals. At wholesale prices, large firms buy up places, which are then sold at low prices. It is they who can offer lucrative bonuses, pleasant gifts in the form of discounts, benefits, bonuses.
Small tour operators cannot afford such offers. They are unable to provide a cheap but comfortable stay. Various types of deception are possible here. They can take an advance payment from tourists for a trip at cheap prices to an elite hotel, but send them to a low-category hotel without any decent service and maintenance. Or simply, the firm will disappear from the service market without providing any option. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the tourism license. If it is not there, then you should not enter into any agreements with such swindlers.