How To Act During A Thunderstorm

How To Act During A Thunderstorm
How To Act During A Thunderstorm

During an incipient thunderstorm, many ask themselves the question of how to behave correctly in bad weather conditions. If you know the main rules, you can avoid an accident.

How to act during a thunderstorm
How to act during a thunderstorm

1. Before an impending thunderstorm, try to leave an open area. Lightning will strike at the highest point, and in an open area, you are the highest point.

2. Stay away from water. You should not stand on the shore of the reservoir, much less swim.

3. Switch off your mobile phone.

4. If possible, lay out all metal objects, jewelry, umbrella, keys.

If you are in a thunderstorm in the forest

The taller the tree, the more likely it is that it will be struck by lightning. Therefore, it is best not to approach tall trees. Better to hide between low trees with voluminous crowns, take a sitting position and lower your head on your knees. The most attractive trees for lightning are oak, poplar, elm. The safest are birch and maple.

If you're in a thunderstorm in the field

If a thunderstorm is just beginning, determine a place where you can hide (village, houses), and start moving in that direction. Build your route so that it does not pass next to lonely standing trees, preferably the distance to the tree is at least 150 m. But if the storm is already over you, lie down on the ground. It is safest to lie on sandy and stony soil.

If you are in a thunderstorm in your car

The metal body will act as a safety dome for passengers. Be sure to stop, close windows, disconnect electronic items (phone, navigator, etc.).
