In many respects, the safety of the flight depends on the behavior of passengers on board. If a passenger violates certain rules and regulations that must be observed on board an aircraft, he is held liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or international conventions on civil aviation.

Step 1
It is necessary to understand the rules for the use of lifejackets and emergency oxygen apparatus, as well as remember the location of emergency exits. It is strictly forbidden to use electronic equipment during takeoff and landing. This creates significant interference with the aircraft's radio navigation system. Disconnect mobile communications. Find out in advance what time you can use your cell phone.
Step 2
The “Fasten your seat belts” sign warns not only that you should fasten your seat belt, but also that it is forbidden to get up from the seats until it goes out. Do not use strong-smelling aerosols or perfumes in the aircraft cabin, as this may cause allergic reactions in passengers during takeoff. To avoid unpleasant situations, do not take medicines that lower or increase blood pressure.
Step 3
It is strictly forbidden to smoke on board the aircraft both during take-off and during landing and exiting. For this, depending on the airlines, there may be special zones. As a rule, their presence or absence is warned in several languages even before the flight begins. There is a fine for smoking. It is also forbidden to take drugs containing drugs, except in cases when a doctor is assigned to a patient flying on board.
Step 4
If there is a need to clarify something with the flight attendant, call him by pressing the special signal button. Aerophobic people may be on board during takeoff. It is forbidden to provoke passengers to panic fear. Try to calm them down. Otherwise, follow the generally accepted rules of conduct in public places. Throughout the flight, unconditionally comply with the requirements of the crew members and the recommendations of the flight attendants.