The Eiffel Tower is one of the main symbols of France and Paris. Its creator is the architect Gustave Eiffel, in whose honor the building got its name. The tower is often called "metal lace" for its original forged construction, as well as "iron lady" or "iron lady".

Step 1
In the 80s of the 19th century, Paris was preparing to host the World Exhibition in commemoration of the centenary of the French Revolution. To decorate the exhibition, the city authorities decided to erect a temporary structure - an entrance arch. A competition was held for the best architectural design, and one of the winners was the engineer Gustave Eiffel.
Step 2
Construction of the tower began in 1887. Two years later, in 1889, just in time for the opening of the exhibition, all the work was completed. "The Iron Lady" appeared before the residents and guests of the French capital in all its glory.
Step 3
The tower was 300 meters high. At the time, it was the tallest structure in the world. The "iron lady" consists of three platforms, which are supported by four columns. And at the very top there is a lighthouse with a dome and an observation deck. The hardiest can get to it by stairs - 1,792 steps lead to the top of the tower. You can also look at Paris from a bird's eye view by taking the elevator.
Step 4
True, in the 19th century, not everyone liked the tower. From the very beginning, the creative intelligentsia of France opposed the construction of the "Iron Lady". Writers, artists, musicians wrote letters to the authorities of Paris with statements that the construction of the Eiffel would not be in harmony with other sights of the French capital, they asked to dismantle the tower. But soon all the dissatisfied resigned themselves.
Step 5
On the opening day of the exhibition, 10,000 gas lamps were lit on the Eiffel Tower. A little later they were replaced by electric lamps. The building was a huge success. During the exhibition, it was attended by over 2 million people. And all the construction costs paid off in about a year.
Step 6
As planned, the Eiffel Tower was supposed to rise over Paris for 20 years, then it was planned to dismantle it. However, this did not happen. First, the tower became so popular that it was not economically viable to demolish it. And secondly, the "iron lady" was an ideal place to install antennas necessary for radio and later television.
Step 7
The antennas, which raised the top of the tower, increased the height of the "iron lady" to 324 meters. Today, several TV channels and radio stations broadcast from the Eiffel Tower.
Step 8
The Eiffel Tower was originally golden in color. But over the years, it was repainted from yellow to red-brown. Today, metallic lace has its own officially patented color - "eiffel brown".
Step 9
There are several restaurants and cafes on the platforms of the Eiffel Tower for visitors. The structure is one of the most recognizable architectural sites in the world and the most visited tourist monument.