Trafalgar Square - Heart Of The Country

Trafalgar Square - Heart Of The Country
Trafalgar Square - Heart Of The Country

Everyone knows the most colorful place in London, where the three main streets of this city converge and - Trafalgar Square. This is the center of the capital of Great Britain - its heart, to which the tributaries - the Mall, Westminster Strand and Whitehall stretch.


The central figure of the square is the sculpture of Horatio Nelson, the vice admiral who commanded the British fleet in the 18th century. He participated in the Napoleonic Wars, in the Great French Revolution, in the American Revolution. His main battle and victory was the Battle of Trafalgar, during which Horatio was mortally wounded. It is on Trafalgar Square that London's most recognizable monument is located - a 46-meter column with a 5-meter statue of Vice Admiral Nelson. Admiral, who, despite his seasickness, did not give up his life's work.

This column was erected in honor of the great victory of England in the Napoleonic War. It was after the Battle of Trafalgar that Great Britain became the ruler of the seas. Napoleon Bonaparte was forced to abandon the idea of invading England. The guns of the French troops were melted down by the British and transformed into beautiful frescoes that still adorn the column and symbolize "disobedience". It is said that even Adolf Hitler wanted to move this sculptural composition to Berlin when he conquered Great Britain.

This square is a central place for various events, demonstrations, performances. One of the brightest holidays that are held in Trafalgar Square is the New Year. As in the rest of the world, the biggest and most important Christmas tree is erected there for this holiday. For London it is brought from Norway.

The heart of London is also the center of many political and publicist speeches. This was the case in 1945. In Trafalgar Square, Prime Minister William Churchill announced the end of World War II to Londoners.
