Unfortunately, not everyone can ensure a happy and comfortable existence in their home country. Not always everything goes well, and not everyone succeeds in getting well. Therefore, many people decide to emigrate to another, more developed country, in the hope of getting a normal standard of living. Experts in the field of immigration have compiled a list of the 5 most attractive countries to move to for citizens of the former USSR.

1) USA. The United States has long been a comfortable haven for displaced people from all over the world. It is in this country that immigrants holding a green card have the same rights as US citizens.
Moving to this country is not as unattainable as it seems at first glance. Every year there is a free drawing for obtaining a residence permit. Anyone can participate in the lottery. Study, work or business are also good reasons to legally move to the States. Although opening a study visa is a very long and complicated process.
Another popular option for emigrating to the United States is to marry an American. True, given all the laws of this country, it will be necessary to prove to the special services more than once that the marriage was not concluded fictitious.
2) Canada. There is a special professional program that makes it quite easy to immigrate to Canada. All that is needed is to fill out a special form on the website of the Immigration Service. Points are awarded for each item passed. To pass such a questionnaire, it is necessary to have a higher education, an academic degree, sufficient knowledge of the English language at the required level and work experience - at least 5 years in the specialty. With a passing score, you can count on a decent job in Canada.
3) Great Britain. One of the most stable countries in the world. There you can always find a good job with a decent salary. But getting to Britain is hard enough. The most common way of immigration is through special youth programs. They provide an opportunity for successful employment for highly qualified specialists in order to direct their activities for the good of the country. Also, the UK is ready to accept creative talented people - composers, artists and writers. But in this case, you need to be an internationally recognized figure.
4) Australia. This distant land is not as inaccessible as it seems. You can get there without billions and family ties. Already many people have moved to Australia through the professional immigration program. People with a special education in a profession in demand in Australia can really count on a positive answer. The age of candidates is no more than 44 years old. Naturally, knowledge of the language is required. And another condition is the absence of a criminal record.
5) Israel. It is very easy for Jews to immigrate to Israel. The main condition is that maternal relatives must be Jews, and the immigrant himself must practice Judaism. For immigration to this country, you must prepare a package of documents proving that all the conditions for moving are met. And at the interview, you need to be ready for a clear and well-reasoned explanation of why there was a desire to live in this particular country. For persons with a criminal record, this option of immigration to Israel is not suitable.
If all conditions are met, the state pays for the flight and all costs associated with the carriage of baggage. And also allocates a small amount of money for initial accommodation