In Turkey, as in other countries of the subtropical climate, a wide variety of insects live. Tourists who are peacefully resting in the resort area, as a rule, do not cause any inconvenience. But lovers of extreme recreation and excursions should bear in mind the dangers that may lie in wait in the wilderness.

There are three types of scorpions in Turkey: black, brown and yellow. The most dangerous of them are black tropical scorpions. Their bite can be fatal if not injected with a serum that neutralizes the effect of the poison. Dangerous scorpion species live mainly in the mountainous areas in the south and southeast of the country. Each person has an individual reaction to a scorpion bite, and most of them are poisonous only during the mating season.
However, the insect is dangerous and if you are bitten by a scorpion, you should immediately go to the hospital. If the bite falls on a limb, it must be tied tightly so that the poison does not spread through the bloodstream. It is better in this situation to move less and drink more fluids before medical attention.
Most of the spiders that live in Turkey are not dangerous to humans. An exception is the species called the brown hermit. The venom of this spider is deadly. South America is considered its homeland, but there are facts confirming the spread of these spiders to other warm countries.
This spider reaches a length of about 15 mm and lives in abandoned, little-used premises. The color of the insect ranges from cream to dark gray. The spider attacks when it senses danger. Not all brown recluse bites are fatal. Sometimes the bite can only result in mild swelling and itching, but in some cases, spider venom can cause vomiting, fever, seizures, and damage to internal organs. At the site of the bite, tissue necrosis may develop, leading to the formation of long-healing wounds. Be that as it may, if you are bitten by a spider, then you need urgent medical attention.
Ticks that live in Turkey are dangerous because they carry a disease called Crimean-Congo Fever. According to statistics, more than 500 cases of the disease are detected annually, on average 5% of which are fatal. Going on an excursion to the mountains or the forest, you must wear closed clothes and shoes, and have protective sprays or creams against blood-sucking insects with you. Examine your body more often, because the sooner a tick is found and removed, the less harm it will cause to health.
Turkish centipedes are rather unpleasant than dangerous. They reach up to 30 cm in length and bite painfully. Death from a bite is excluded, but a local allergic reaction in the form of a rash and itching can occur. Any skin manifestations at the site of the bite are treated with ointments containing antibiotics. Since the habitat of centipedes is stones and sand, in order to avoid meeting them, try not to dig in stones and sand with your bare hands.