The modern space industry is growing by leaps and bounds, to the delight of everyone who wants to conquer the vastness of the Universe. But, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, there are certain requirements and nuances that will need to be met in order to fulfill a dream - to fly into space yourself.

Overview of modern space tourism
Thanks to the efforts of the private sector of the space industry, most notably companies such as SpaceX, Blu Origin and Virgin Group, the world has again increased interest in space. Surely even people far from space have heard about the appearance of reusable rockets from the brainchild of the talented entrepreneur Elon Musk (head of SpaceX), suborbital flights for tourists from Blu Origin and Virgin Group. Such flights cost from $ 250,000 and more, and they are unlikely to allow you to feel like astronauts in the form in which you dreamed. The flight implies a state of weightlessness for 5 minutes at a distance of 80-100 km from the Earth.
Nevertheless, today the national space corporations of the world (NASA, Roskosmos, the European and Chinese national space agencies) and private companies are planning not only flights to the Moon and Mars, but also the colonization of the latter. And we are talking about the next decade. So, SpaceX plans to send Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maesawa with his friends to the moon by 2023. The flight ship, dubbed the Big Falcon Rocket (BFR), will be ready by 2020. Of course, while the flight is very expensive, and according to various estimates, it will cost 200-400 million dollars. Only billionaires can afford such travel. But do not rush to despair …

Reasons for optimism
The company SpaceX itself plans to send its ship to Mars in 2024, to begin with without people, as cargo will be capsules designed to serve as a source and reservoir for electricity, oxygen, food and water. It is planned to deploy these capacities using robotic rovers. By the end of 2028, it is planned to send there people who will fly to the site already prepared by robots and begin to deploy the first Martian base in the history of mankind. In parallel with the plans of Elon Musk's company, NASA and Roscosmos are planning to establish the first human colony on the Moon in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The development of a near-lunar station Deep Space Gateway is already underway, in which NASA, Roscosmos, Japan, Canada and ESA are taking part.

China is also working on the exploration of the moon and the creation of its base. So, in January 2019, for the first time in history, they successfully landed the Chang'e-4 lunar rover on the dark side of the Moon, which studies the relief of our satellite, measures the temperature on the surface of the Moon, and also, during this mission, Chinese scientists for the first time in the world grown plants on the surface of the moon (cotton seeds, oilseed rape and potatoes), which will undoubtedly be useful to future colonists.
After the moon, having checked all the necessary technologies, the space powers will cast their eyes on Mars. NASA plans to colonize this planet a little later than the ambitious billionaire E. Musk. So, according to the plans of the aerospace agency, the first flight to the red planet will be carried out in the early 30s on the SLS spacecraft. The deployment of the scientific base will take place in the mid / late 30s. Roskosmos is not looking that far yet, however, it will not be possible to start such breakthrough goals until the 1940s. Approximately the same years are named in their reports by the Chinese National Space Agency.
Thus, it can be expected that by the 40s of our century on the Moon and Mars there will already be the first human colonies, which will need technical, financial and, most importantly, human resources for their work. And here you can remember your old dream to conquer space, but for this you need to meet certain requirements.

Requirements for space tourism
First of all, these requirements relate to age. Obviously, in order to fly to other planets in the 40s, you must at least live up to this time. The above events will take place in about 25 years, which means that for this you should be no more than 25-30 years old, it is doubtful that a poor pensioner, especially a Russian, will have a chance to fly to Mars.
Flights to the Moon and Mars by that time should have dropped significantly in price, according to the assurances of the same Musk, a one-way ticket to Mars will cost about 100 thousand dollars. The return ticket will be free (if, of course, you survive in the aggressive environment of an alien planet). That is, any owner of an apartment in Moscow or in other large cities of Russia can afford it. But, of course, such a sum is too much for many. Therefore, we need to strive to do it for free, and it is better that we ourselves be paid for the flight of our dreams. How? We read on.
To service any spacecraft, lunar or Martian station, as already mentioned, human resources will be needed:
- engineers who will repair equipment;
- doctors who will monitor the health of the ship's crew and colonists;
- geologists who will study the geological composition of the new planet;
- biologists who will look for traces of life on Mars.

All of these jobs will be paid, and will be paid well. In order to become one of these lucky ones, it is enough to be no older than 20 years (preferably), enroll in one of the universities necessary for these specialties (medical, biomedical, geological, construction and engineering, technological, etc.), become really a good specialist in his field and know English. Agree, you will need all these requirements in any case if you want to engage in an interesting profession in life and be satisfied with your life.
The main reason for the creation of SpaceX was the childhood dream of its owner E. Musk about conquering space. If the same dream lives in you, if you want to live an interesting and eventful life - live your dream and work on your dream, and then the whole world will help you to realize it.