How To Become A Citizen Of Uzbekistan And Get To Lithuania

How To Become A Citizen Of Uzbekistan And Get To Lithuania
How To Become A Citizen Of Uzbekistan And Get To Lithuania

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According to the laws adopted in the Republic of Uzbekistan, any foreign resident, subject to certain conditions and formalities, can be admitted to the number of citizens of this small independent country. To obtain citizenship of Uzbekistan, you need to do the following:

How to become a citizen of Uzbekistan and get to Lithuania
How to become a citizen of Uzbekistan and get to Lithuania


Step 1

Renounce the citizenship of any other state. Uzbekistan is one of those countries that does not allow a person to have dual citizenship. If you want to settle in this country forever and become its full citizen, you will have to part with the passport of your homeland.

Step 2

Live in Uzbekistan on a permanent basis for at least 5 years. However, if you were born on the territory of this country, and your parents or grandparents still live there, without any other citizenship, this condition will not apply to you.

Step 3

If you have just arrived in the country and dream of becoming a citizen, contact your local OVIR office. You will receive a passport of the applicant for citizenship (brown) and the issue of recognizing your civil rights will be considered for several years.

Step 4

You are obliged to fully recognize the Constitution of Uzbekistan. Participants of parties and political organizations, whose activities are trying to undermine the foundations of the constitutional system of the republic, cannot become citizens. Also, the application for citizenship will be rejected if the applicant is serving a sentence for an act recognized as a crime under the laws of Uzbekistan.

Step 5

It will be somewhat easier to obtain a passport if you have the specialty you need for the country, or have high achievements in the field of culture and technology. Such a case can be recognized as exceptional, and you will receive documents on recognition of you as a citizen much faster.

Step 6

If you just want to live in Uzbekistan, it is not necessary to obtain citizenship there. There are a lot of foreigners living there who have the right to work in the private sector of the economy, buy real estate, own a car and engage in other activities, while not losing the citizenship of their home country.
