The craving for travel is in the blood of many people who dream of looking at the beauty and diversity of the planet, getting to know other peoples, national traditions, clothes, cuisine, history. Thanks to the ubiquitous development of air traffic, traveling today is much easier than, for example, a hundred years ago, and you can get almost anywhere. But the world is big, and there is always not enough time, so you need to travel so as not to regret the time spent.

Step 1
Regardless of how much free time you have, you can choose where it is better to go on a trip from a limited number of options, having previously determined what exactly you want from the trip. Almost all popular resorts in Europe and Asia are suitable for a beach holiday with warm sand, gentle sea and comfortable service. Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Egypt, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, India - in all these countries you will be provided with the desired sea, a cozy hotel room, excursion program and entertainment.
Step 2
If you are interested not so much in the opportunity to warm up, as in acquaintance with the traditions, history, culture, art, architecture of other countries, then there are many more options. Almost each of the European states has its own set of attractions, and, despite the globalization of Europe, retains its cultural identity and charm.
Step 3
You can visit the Vienna Opera, see Paris, Naples, Rome, London, Venice, and many other European cities that amaze the imagination. Or you can choose the Asian region, with its thousand-year-old traditions, Buddhist temples and monasteries, unique architecture and many different culinary traditions. The main thing here is to stay away from the traditional resort places on the coast, instead paying attention to the ancient cities in the interior of the continent.
Step 4
Traveling to Latin America is a separate set of experiences, as here you can not only relax on legendary beaches, such as the Brazilian Copacabana, but also plunge into the incredible culture of the South American continent, seeing everything with your own eyes. In order to see the ancient cities of the Incas and Aztecs, hold in your hands artifacts preserved from time immemorial, get acquainted with the unique flora and fauna of Latin America, it is worth spending a little more time on a flight.
Step 5
The African continent also attracts travelers with its nature, culture, folk traditions, as well as the fact that it is minimally spoiled by civilization, and here it is quite possible to forget that the 21st century is in the yard.
Step 6
Finally, do not forget about the diversity of your country, stretching out on one-sixth of the land. On the territory of Russia, you can visit the cities of the Golden Ring, which have preserved many monuments of Russian architecture, or you can go to Altai, Baikal or Kamchatka - natural areas that are not like anywhere else in the world.