How To Apply For A Transit Visa

How To Apply For A Transit Visa
How To Apply For A Transit Visa

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If you are planning a trip abroad, an important point of the trip is the collection and execution of many documents. In the event that your route to a certain country runs through other countries, you need to take care of obtaining a transit visa in advance. A transit visa is a visa that is issued for a short period of time to travel through another country. As a rule, a transit visa must be obtained from each state through which your travel itinerary passes.

How to apply for a transit visa
How to apply for a transit visa


Step 1

You can apply for a transit visa either independently, by contacting the consulate or representative office of the required country, or entrust this process to your travel operator. In the second case, you will save a significant amount of time, but increase your financial costs. At the same time, if the issuance of a transit visa is a new business for you, it may be worth trusting the specialists to avoid troubles during the trip. If you decide to apply for a transit visa yourself, remember the sequence in which you need to carry out this procedure.

Step 2

First, determine exactly the country or countries through which your route will pass, and, accordingly, the transit visas that you will need.

Step 3

Then, find out at the consulate or representative office of the countries through which you plan to transit, the exact list of documents for applying for a transit visa. As well as the procedure for accepting these documents, the timing of their consideration and the amount of the visa fee. This information must be specified for each country separately, since the rules for applying for a transit visa in different states may differ.

Step 4

The next step is to directly collect the documents, according to the list you received at the consulate. Typically, you will need:

- a foreign passport with a visa of the state, which is the final purpose of the trip;

- a completed application for a transit visa;

- travel documents with arrival / departure dates;

- medical insurance policy;

- photographs based on a specific sample.

You may also be asked to provide your civil passport, certificates of marriage and birth of children, a certificate from the place of work.

Step 5

After the documents are collected, take them to the consulate or representative office of the country you are interested in. If you are processing a transit visa yourself, you will need your personal presence. When accepting documents, be sure to clarify the procedure for paying all the necessary fees, so that in the future the absence of receipts does not cause problems with obtaining a visa. When the documents are submitted, and all fees have been paid, you just have to wait for the results of your application.
