The garden is located seven kilometers from Yalta, near the village of Nikita. It is from the name of the village that the name of the botanical garden comes from.

Step 1
Nikitsky Botanical Garden is an amazing corner of Crimea. The Botanical Garden is not only a huge collection of plants from all over the world, but also one of the oldest research institutions. The most luxurious period of the garden is from March to May, when most of the plants bloom in it, however, some species located in the subtropical zone near the sea bloom here even in winter due to the warm climate.
The first botanical gardens in the area of Alupka and Foros were attempted to be established by Prince Potemkin, the largest landowner in Russia during the time of Catherine the Great. For the garden, a batch of plants and seeds was purchased from Constantinople, Smyrna and from the Princes' Islands. But the gardens were private, passed from one owner to another, and by the beginning of the 19th century, they almost lost their significance. In 1812, in February, Emperor Alexander the First issued a decree on the creation of a state economic garden near the village of Nikita in the Crimea. The Tsar's decree called the garden "Tauride". By the same decree, Christian Steven was appointed director of the garden.

Step 2
The garden gently descends to the sea, forming several parks: Upper, Lower, Primorsky, a park at Cape Montedor. The upper park is laid out on a flat surface and is a place for relaxation: there is a swimming pool and a summer theater. You can admire the rose garden next to the fountain, wrought-iron arches. Fan-leaved Chinese palms, Italian pine, and Lebanese cedar grow. Rocky garden - rockery, impresses with a collection of alpine herbaceous and woody plants. A diverse and beautiful collection of chrysanthemums will not leave indifferent any, even a professional grower. The lower park is a rocky slope connected by winding stairs. It is in these places that valuable and rare ornamental trees are planted: cork oak, large-flowered magnolia, Japanese banana, Chinese ginkgo.
The olive grove attracts special attention. Along the alleys, there is an abundance of flowering shrubs: oleander, bougainvillea, scarlet. This park has many beautiful water devices: there is a cascade pool, which is framed by stairs on both sides, and a round pool with a fountain, decorated with water lilies. There are natural water sources in the park: streams, small waterfalls. Seaside Park is located on the territory adjacent to the sea. Plants from the tropics grow in it, loving warmth and moisture. Montedor Park was the last to be created. Located at Cape Montedor. Mostly thermophilic plants from the tropics predominate: Mexican cypress, Pitsunda pine, mammoth tree, gutta-percha tree.

Step 3
Now the collection of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden includes more than 28,000 species, hybrids and varieties. Trees and shrubs from the Mediterranean, North and South America, Asia, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and other subtropical regions of the Earth are of particular value. The famous collection of roses in the Nikitsky Garden includes about 2000 varieties of domestic and foreign selection. The autumn collection of chrysanthemums is known no less than roses.