If you are going to go on vacation abroad, it is very important to pay off all debts before that, so that it does not happen that you are among those restricted to travel abroad.

If you do not deal with your debts before leaving, you may not be allowed to go abroad. Most often, those who have debts for alimony, bank loans, traffic police fines and housing and communal services are not allowed to travel abroad.
But we are talking about those debts for which there is a court decision on debt collection. If there was no trial, then there is nothing to be afraid of. By the way, the amount is also important. Since 2013, the minimum amount of debt, in the presence of which it is impossible to leave the country, is 10,000 rubles. Debts for a smaller amount, even if there is a court decision on them, are not threatened with travel restrictions.
How to avoid problems
Check the absence of debt in advance. It is best to do this a month before departure, so that there is time to pay off the debt. You can find out about debts on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service. To do this, on this site, enter your data: region of residence, last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth. Check the presence of debts not only with you, but also with all the adult members of your family who go on vacation with you.
Long procedure
If you find out that you have an outstanding debt, you should contact the bailiff who is executing the proceedings. The bailiff will tell you whether the restriction on leaving the country applies to you and, if so, how to remove it.
The first step is to pay the debt. This can be done through a bank branch, Internet bank or payment terminal. Your bailiff will also tell you the details for which you should pay. Then you must submit to the bailiff documents confirming the payment: a bank payment or a check from the terminal. After that, the bailiff issues a decree on the abolition of the travel restriction and sends it to the territorial administration of the FSSP. So far, all these documents are sent by mail and the whole process takes at least 10 days, and sometimes much more.
It turns out that if you find out about the debt only at the border, you will have to cancel the trip. Of course, in some airports there are terminals where you can pay off debts, but you still won't be able to fly out of the country right after that. It will take time to remove the person from the blacklist and notify the border services.