Malaysia is one of the most interesting states of Southeast Asia from the point of view of any tourist, as it is filled with contrasts of modernity and history, a riot of tropical nature and a wealth of colors.

General information about the country
Most of Malaysia's land mass is surrounded by the South China Sea. It divides the state into two parts - western and eastern. Malaysia's neighbors are Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and the Philippines.
The average temperature in Malaysia is 27 degrees Celsius. Warmth, an abundance of precipitation, natural reservoirs, a variety of relief were the sources of the richest flora and fauna. The flora is represented by many rare tropical plants, trees and shrubs. It is here that you can see rafflesia - the record holder for flower size, reaching a diameter of 1 meter.
In addition, in this country you can see the rarest representatives of the animal world: the clouded leopard and the Indo-Chinese tiger, the Malay bear and the Asian elephant, the Klimantan orangutan, the Sumatran rhinoceros, many unusual reptiles and insects.
The main folk crafts in Malaysia are wood carving, weaving of household items and furniture from reeds and rods, and making silver jewelry.
The population of Malaysia is represented by numerous ethnic groups with a total number of more than 28 million people. The official language is Malay, the second administrative language is English. The country has proclaimed freedom of religious choice, but Islam has the status of the state religion. The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur.
Sights of Malaysia
The capital of the state is filled with modern high-rise buildings (the Petronis towers are a magnificent work of architectural skill - the record holders among the twin towers), ancient temples and mosques (Masjid Janek temple, Masjid Negara and Jame mosques, Shri Mahariamman temple), historical monuments (Sultan Abdul's palace -Samada). The avenues of the capital are buried in lush tropical greenery. Kuala Lumpur is rightfully considered the greenest capital among Asian states.
Malaysia attracts tourists with its magnificent nature reserves (Bako, Gunung Mulu, Endau-Rompin) and parks (Niach National Park, Taman Negara, Kuala Lumpur Bird Park, the giant aquarium “Langkawi Underwater World), ancient caves (Batu Caves), historical finds of Malacca, magnificent beaches, convenient places for diving, surfing, kiting, colored sands, the beauty of unusual Asian landscapes.