Where Is The Solar Plexus

Where Is The Solar Plexus
Where Is The Solar Plexus

The human body is a whole system of organs that are interconnected, they are very sensitive to any fluctuation in the external and internal environment. One of the parts of such an integral system is the solar plexus.

Where is the solar plexus
Where is the solar plexus

By itself, the solar plexus is a large number of nerve nodes. It is located near the stomach: on a segment of the body between the sternum and the abdominal cavity.

To correctly determine the location of the plexus, simply place your palm on the bottom of the chest with your thumb up. The tip of the thumb will point to the middle of the solar plexus, and the base of the palm will point to the lower edge of the solar plexus.

To this organ, like threads, all the nerves stretch from the diaphragm, kidneys, stomach and spleen. That is why this type of organization of internal organs belongs to the category of complex ones, it is curious that any of the end organs can have a pathology, and it will hurt in the solar plexus.

Sun in your belly

The plexus was called solar because of the similarity of the forms with the natural luminary, because the mesenteric node, as well as the right and left celiac nodes, are included in the plexus, and numerous nerves similar to the sun's rays stretch from them. In fact, the solar plexus is one of the most sensitive pain points of the human body, because it is not protected by ribs and has a whole node of nerve endings.

People often wonder why the solar plexus is needed and what benefits it can bring to the body. It is worth noting that the solar plexus is not just a knot of nerves, it is also the emotional center of the body, the brain transmits signals of pleasure, irritation precisely through the plexus.

Plexus works in a wave way, that is, all emotions are expressed as waves: they subside, then they begin again. You will not be able to control your emotions or fears: they will reflect on your nerves again and again.

The plexus is also responsible for the sensitivity of human skin: any touch, be it the sun or the wind, is immediately reflected on the nerve fibers.

Unprotected protection

The full work of the whole human body is impossible without the correct work of the solar plexus. This organ is the most vulnerable, and if a person receives a mechanical shock to the solar plexus, the consequences will be very sad: from a slight darkening in the eyes, ending with a rupture of the diaphragm and the formation of a hernia. Even with a weak push into the plexus, the work of the diaphragm is exposed to unpleasant consequences, just as with a strong impact, the diaphragm contracts, and a person can experience convulsions, respiratory failure and even lose consciousness.

Given the above features, you should be careful about the solar plexus, protect it from various kinds of damage and strengthen it with exercise.