How To Live Without Food

How To Live Without Food
How To Live Without Food

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Life is full of unexpected situations and anyone can find themselves in extreme conditions. Getting lost in the forest, falling behind the group on a camping trip, having an accident with a vehicle on a forest or mountain road - these are some of the scenarios of how you can find yourself in the forest without food. How to survive in these conditions, with a minimum supply of food, or even without having anything edible with you.

How to live without food
How to live without food


Step 1

Divide the existing products into perishable and long-term storage. It is better to eat perishable ones immediately, in order to avoid food poisoning in the future, and those that are stored for a long time should be left as NZ (emergency reserve) for a “rainy day”.

Step 2

Look at nearby trees and shrubs. In the forest, you can find hazel - a hazelnut, the fruits of which are very nutritious and are well known to many, thanks to confectionery and various advertisements on television. In the southern regions, sometimes walnuts are also found in the forest, the fruits of which are high in calories. You can eat them on the spot and take them with you in reserve. Instead of nuts, you can support the body with acorns - the fruits of oak, peeling off the hard peel.

Step 3

Pick up the rose hips - you can eat it raw, clean the seeds, or brew with boiling water if you can make a fire.

Step 4

Collect the fruits of hawthorn, viburnum, wild raspberry - they are delicious and rich in vitamins that will support the body. You may also come across thickets of wild cherry bushes - sour, but extremely useful.

Step 5

Look under the trees and in the nearby glades for wild berries: strawberries, blueberries, blueberries. It is better not to touch unfamiliar berries, as you can get food poisoning.

Step 6

Look for mushrooms - a valuable protein food that rejuvenates. White mushroom, camelina, champignon, oyster mushroom and rare summer truffle can be eaten raw, without heat treatment. The white mushroom has an edible cap. Ryzhiks are the only milky mushrooms that can be eaten raw. Champignons and oyster mushrooms in the forest are more difficult to find, but possible. Truffles are not only edible raw but also extremely tasty. But russula, despite their name, is simply impossible to eat, since the unprecedented bitterness does not allow eating a few pieces. Honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus, milk mushrooms are better to boil.

Step 7

Pick and chop young dandelion leaves, young nettle leaves (they will not "sting" if rolled into a tube and crumpled until juice is released) and "hare cabbage" or sour sour into a salad (only they cannot be consumed in large quantities). These plants have not only edible properties, but are also good bactericidal and antiseptic agents. Burdock root is also edible, both raw and boiled. But fern shoots should not be eaten, since without special heat treatment it can cause harm. It contains the poisonous substance thiaminase.

Step 8

Catch snails in the nearest reservoir - they can be eaten after boiling, and an ordinary lake frog - after frying. It is quite tasty and nutritious.

Step 9

Walk along the edge of the marshes, a favorite habitat for sedges. Outwardly, this plant resembles a leek. The lower part of its stem is edible. It tastes like asparagus.
