The fauna is extremely wide and varied. Almost every continent can boast of "its own" predators. Europe is rich in bears and wolves, Asia is famous for tigers, America is famous for leopards and cougars, and Africa is famous for almost all dangerous representatives of the feline species. Australia stands out on this list.

Australia - the land of marsupials
Australia has its own unique fauna. This is the only place on the planet where amazing marsupial animals are found: kangaroos, koalas, bilbi, echidnas, etc. It is known that they literally conquered the discoverers with their unusual appearance and remained a mystery for researchers for a long time.
Animals are considered the main treasure of the continent. For example, to meet a kangaroo, you don't have to travel several hundred kilometers. In some cities, they calmly appear in squares and parks. Also, many zoos and a kind of "safari" are organized throughout the territory. Opportunities for the free coexistence of animals and humans are opening up due to the absence of large predators on the continent.
Researchers believe there are no large predators in Australia for one of two reasons. The first (most plausible) - dangerous animals were exterminated by the aborigines in order to protect themselves and feed. With the help of guns and fire, the predators were successfully eliminated. And since Australia is a very isolated continent, no new animals of this kind have appeared.
It was the absence of large predators that contributed to the widespread development of marsupials. Today in Australia there are about 125 species. They are considered the most ancient inhabitants of the continent.
The second possible reason for the absence of large predators is poor landscape diversity. Because of this, animals would have a very low chance of hiding from humans and avoiding death. However, scientists are confident that large predators once inhabited Australia. And, most likely, they were huge reptiles, not mammals. Today, there are only Dingo dogs, Tasmanian devil, marten, etc., which are of little danger to humans.
Australia is the most dangerous region of the planet
The absence of large predators does not make Australia safe and calm. If encounters with a large animal can be avoided, minor hazards are much more difficult to spot. Australia's nature is extremely rich in unpredictable and poisonous creatures.
A person should be wary of meeting a combed crocodile. Almost monthly, news about people eaten alive is published in the local press. Reptiles are aggressive and do not leave a person a chance for survival.
But if acquaintance with a crocodile can be avoided, dangerous insects can overtake you anywhere. In Australia, repellents should be used to help protect against bites from poisonous wasps, mosquitoes, caterpillars and beetles. Contact with spiders (22 venomous species), scorpions and ants should be avoided.
Australia is the region most "equipped" with the most dangerous snakes. The most poisonous cold-blooded in the world - taipan - lives on this continent.
Dangers lie in wait for those who like swimming and surfing. The coastal waters of the mainland are inhabited by the royal starfish, many stingrays, poisonous octopuses. It is recommended to use special shoes for swimming to minimize possible contact with corals, rock fish and sponges.
Going on vacation, carefully study the "migration plan" of jellyfish. The most poisonous creature on earth, the Sea Wasp, lives in the northern region of Australia. She is able to deal with sixty enemies at the same time, located within a radius of 7 meters. The poison of the marine life is immediate. Most often, victims die before reaching the shore.