The world is huge and the choice of destination for a vacation depends only on financial capabilities and your own wishes. Some people like to go from winter to summer and celebrate the New Year under the palm trees. Others, on the contrary, cannot live without snow and even in the heat of May strive to the ski slopes.

Step 1
When planning your vacation, decide what you expect from the trip. Do you like outdoor activities or prefer to spend all days on the beach near the hotel. Which climate do you prefer - dry and hot or high humidity. Or you want to spend your holidays in a ski resort and don't like the sea at all. Having determined the direction of travel in advance, it will be easier for you to navigate when choosing a tour.
Step 2
If you are an experienced traveler, you will not need travel agency services. Using the website you can book a hotel anywhere in the world, order service and transfer. It is best to buy plane tickets in advance. Then there is an opportunity to get on a promotion or seasonal discounts and purchase a travel document at a reduced cost. Resting "savage" has its advantages. You plan on your own all movements around the country, dates of departures and arrivals, meals and accommodation. And, of course, you will be able to see and learn much more than when buying a regular travel package - ticket-transfer-hotel.
Step 3
Not only foreign tourism, but also travel in Russia is gaining popularity every year. You can go to Kamchatka, see Baikal or Valaam Island. It is no less interesting than world sights. And it's easier to organize a trip around your home country. You do not need to obtain visas, the methods of travel can be different - by train, car, plane, boat. Relatives will always be in touch, without fear of ruining you with international roaming.
Step 4
A vacation option for townspeople tired of noise and mud is a trip to the village. In Russia, reserved places with the cleanest air and provincial flavor are still preserved. Choose one of the small old Russian cities - Suzdal, Kineshma, Myshkin. There you will not only relax, but also see the creations of famous architects. Rent a house in a small village away from megacities. Get up with the roosters, drink fresh milk and eat cottage cheese brought by a kind neighbor. Take a walk and enjoy nature. You will have a great rest and gain strength for the next working year.