The southern settlement, located on the Black Sea coast, attracts with its beauty and ancient history. For the first time Balaklava under the name Lamos was mentioned by Homer in the Odyssey. A modern tourist can repeat the path of ancient heroes or get to Balaklava in any other suitable way.

Step 1
Get to Balaklava by car. The easiest way to get to the settlement is by car or by intercity bus. Since Balaklava is located on the territory of Sevastopol, it is quite easy to get here. Sevastopol is connected by highways with the main settlements of the Crimea. In particular, from the capital of the republic, the city of Simferopol, you can get on the NO6 highway. If you get to Balaklava from outside the Crimea, then initially you should come to Simferopol. This can be done using the E-97 (westward direction) and E-105 (eastward direction).
From the center of Sevastopol to Balaklava can be reached by public transport - bus or shuttle. In the summer, there is an opportunity to get to the settlement by boat from the territory of various beaches of Sevastopol.
Step 2
Use train connections. From Simferopol you can get to Sevastopol by train. The time that needs to be spent on the way is 2 hours. You can also get to Sevastopol by train. You can get to Simferopol from many regions of Ukraine and Russia.
Step 3
Use flight connections. If the distance between the point of departure and Balaklava is great, you can use the fastest mode of transport - airplane. Initially, you need to get to the Simferopol airport. From there by the above-described methods by train or bus to Sevastopol. From Sevastopol by public transport to Balaklava.
Step 4
Get to Balaklava in the classic way. You can follow the example of the ancient Greeks and go by sea. It is difficult to get to Balaklava itself from afar. Although the settlement is located on the sea, large ships and ferries, as a rule, do not moor here. But passenger ships regularly go to Sevastopol.