In Russia, to the great regret of those who like to travel around our country, air traffic is not sufficiently developed. At the same time, the cost of air tickets is, on average, much higher than even in many European countries, if we compare distances and fares. It is better to choose the most budgetary options for passenger air transportation in Russia among the offers with discounts, of which there are several options.

Promo fares of airlines
Most Russian and foreign carriers have these types of tariffs. They usually offer the most democratic prices, but the most stringent conditions for exchange, return, baggage transportation, etc. Different airlines may call such offers differently, but their essence is the same.
To find budget offers for air tickets, you should use the booking systems on the official websites of specific companies. All conditions for tariffs can be viewed on the same resources, in the sections "Tariffs", "Conditions of exchange and return", "Information about baggage", etc.
Special offers, promotions, seasonal discounts
This is the most "tasty" category of air ticket offers at low prices. It is also easy to find out about them: you just have to subscribe to the news of certain airlines, and they will regularly send messages about current promotions, discounts and other similar "goodies" to the subscriber's e-mail.
On the websites of airlines in the section "News", "Special offers" or something similar, you can usually always find messages about fresh offers of discounts and other promotions.
If you need information about discounts and special offers "here and now", you can simply study the websites of various airlines in the sections "News", "Hot offers", etc.
Thematic sites
Air transportation is a serious industry in which so much money circulates that this inevitably leads to the emergence of related information services. One of the varieties of such "neighborhood" - thematic Internet resources dedicated to the selection of cheap air tickets, the announcement of expected special offers and promotions from leading airlines, etc. An example of one of the most successful such online projects is, where you can always find the most advantageous offers from any Russian and foreign airlines. Moreover, tariffs of the "discount" or "promo" category will also be displayed in the search results.
Low-cost airlines
If in many foreign countries low-cost airlines are a common and usual thing, in Russia today they "take root" with great difficulty. An example of an unsuccessful attempt is the Avianova company, which offered extremely low fares for flights within Russia, but could not withstand the competition and was closed several years ago.
Europe, the USA, even Southeast Asia … Low-cost airlines - low-cost airlines - have been successfully operating in most countries and regions for a long time. There is only one such carrier in Russia today.
Of the currently existing low-cost airlines offering flights within Russia with truly low-cost fares, there is only one airline left - Skyexpress. Reviews about its service are ambiguous, but the fact remains: today it is the only domestic air carrier that can really be classified as economy class.