The safety of documents and valuables is an important point during any trip. You should be especially careful about this if you are traveling abroad. The loss of money turns out to be easier consequences than the loss of documents.

Step 1
The ideal option is to store documents “closer to the body,” that is, on yourself. For example, you can put your passport in the inside pocket of your jacket or shirt. But it is important that the pocket is fastened! Otherwise, you risk losing your documents simply by accidentally dropping them. For the same reason, you should not carry important items in the back pocket of your jeans. There, they not only become easy prey for thieves, but they can also fall out, being forced out of the pocket by friction while walking.
Step 2
It is no longer so convenient to keep documents on yourself in the summer, when everyone is wearing light clothes. Even if there are pockets in it, the documents delay them, causing discomfort. In warmer months, you can use a special small bag for documents. It is sewn exactly to the size of the passport and worn around the neck, sometimes over the shoulder. Very lightweight, this pocket bag practically does not interfere with movement. It is easy to control as it is close to the body.
Step 3
Another option for document storage is a small belt bag, such as are often seen at sellers in the market. But this is a controversial decision, such a handbag seems to signal to all dishonest thieves that it contains something valuable. People always carry documents, bank cards and money in such bags, so pickpockets often try to steal them, distracting the owner.
Step 4
It is highly discouraged to carry valuables and documents in bags on the shoulder. It is not difficult to break this one, which is often used by thieves who specially drive past you on mopeds and motorcycles. It will not be possible to catch up with the motorized thief, and the force of his jerk will be such that the bag will not hold even in the strongest hands. A slightly better solution would be a shoulder bag or a small backpack: you can't rip them off with one movement. But in this case, everything of value should be hidden deeper, and if you find yourself in a crowd, you need to look both ways. It is better to hang the backpack in crowded places forward.
Step 5
If you are staying at a hotel for several days, do not carry documents and valuables with you at all. Use a safe, which is available in hotels of even the lowest class of service. The safe is not always in the room, you can check its availability and the rules of use at the reception. Take only the essentials with you for a walk, try not to take large amounts of cash.
Step 6
Wherever you keep documents, keep them away from money. Don't put your airline tickets and passport in your wallet. Thieves do not need your documents, and if they do steal your wallet, then at least your passport will remain with you.