The benefits of a beach holiday for children are undeniable. The variety of microelements that sea water abounds in have a curative effect on their bodies. Magnesium restores immunity, iodine normalizes metabolism, calcium strengthens bones, bromine calms nerves. In addition, swimming in the sea waves will cheer up the child and charge him with positive for a long time, staying in the sun will replenish vitamin D reserves in his body, and walking on sand or pebbles will become a good foot massage.

May is a good time to travel with your child to the sea. At this time, popular tourist destinations are not so crowded, although the sea water in some of them is already well warmed up. When choosing the sea for recreation, do not forget that children under three years old are highly undesirable for a sharp change in climate and long flights. However, some modern parents travel quite actively around the planet and with babies. However, before traveling long distances, do not be too lazy to sign up for a consultation with a pediatrician in order to exclude unpleasant surprises with the adaptation of the child's body to the new climate. It should not be forgotten that the healing effect of staying at the sea comes only after two to three weeks, so a five-day vacation is more likely just a rest, but not recovery. One of the best options for a trip to the sea with a child in May is the Red Sea resorts. Israel, Egypt, Jordan - these are not all the states that are located on its coast. However, Egyptian resorts are very popular, where you can relax in comfort for little money. The beaches are clean, the sea is as clear as possible, and the air of the coast is saturated with bromine. Among the features of this sea are shallow shores, which are extremely convenient for children to play, and there is also a wide range of educational excursions. Of course, a three-year-old crumb of local attractions, most likely, will not appreciate it. But for older children in Egypt, you can show one of the seven wonders of the world - the pyramids, or arrange a camel ride for them - an exciting ride on a two-humped animal along the coast. The Mediterranean Sea in May can also be an ideal place to relax with a child. There are quite a few resorts on its coast, so there shouldn't be any problems with their choice. In May, you can go with your child to Crete, the Bolear Islands, Malta, Tunisia or Greece. The climate here is especially beneficial for toddlers with lung diseases and problems with the vegetative-vascular system. May is also a great time for a beach holiday in the United Arab Emirates. The warm waters of the Persian Gulf, comfortable hotels with lots of entertainment for children, and water parks await here. We can safely say that the resorts of this state have created ideal conditions for a family vacation. In the last month of spring, you can go with your child to the Dead Sea. Just keep in mind that this is not an ordinary sea, and your child will not be able to splash in its waters. This is because the water in it is extremely salty, which is why the human body in this sea is pushed to the surface like a float. But the water in it is literally saturated to the limit with useful microelements. Rest on this sea will certainly benefit the baby. He may not even enter the waters of the Dead Sea. Just staying nearby has an amazing effect on the child's body. If the family budget allows, go with your baby to the Caribbean. It is especially beautiful in May. The hot sun, ideal sandy beaches, a wide selection of hotels and lush exotic vegetation - rest in such an entourage will be remembered for a long time not only by children, but also by adults. Travelers are waiting for such popular resorts of the Caribbean coast as the Dominican Republic and Cuba. Tours to these states are not very cheap, but saving on vacation, especially for children, is absolutely useless.