Various factors can spoil a long-awaited vacation, but one of the most unpleasant incidents is theft. In order not to become a victim of thieves on vacation, you must observe security measures and not be careless.

Step 1
Find out in advance everything about the resort where you are going to rest. Many touristy cities have safe areas and places where even locals are afraid to go. There you can be not only robbed, but also beaten, and even kidnapped.
Step 2
Make photocopies of all your documents and credit cards. It is better to notarize a copy of the passport and store it separately from the bulk of things. On excursions and walks, do not take documents with you - keep them in the hotel safe. Jewelry and tickets should also be left there.
Step 3
Keep your money in your inner pockets or in a purse that attaches to your belt. Most often, wallets are pulled out of the pockets of loose trousers and bags that hang freely on the shoulder. Carry only a small amount of cash in your local currency with you for day to day expenses. If you take a significant amount with you, you should not put all the bills in one wallet, it is better to put them in different pockets.
Step 4
When using an ATM, make sure that there are no films or covers on the panel. Cover the keyboard with your hand when entering the card code. Do not use ATMs in deserted places, it is better - go to a bank or store. When paying in boutiques and restaurants with a card, observe the actions of the staff, do not allow the card to be taken to the back room.
Step 5
Try not to attract the attention of criminals with expensive clothes and accessories. Do not expose your wallet or credit cards to others.
Step 6
On the beach, do not take with you not only large amounts of money and jewelry, but also phones, digital cameras and other equipment. When bathing, do not leave things unattended.
Step 7
Be vigilant in crowded places - it is very easy to lose your wallet in a crowd. Especially if the victim is keen on looking at things or performing on the street.
Step 8
Remember the most popular thief tricks. If you are doused and stained, do not let your clothes dry, do it without assistance. After a fall, it is also better to rise on your own - the assistant can very deftly empty your pockets of valuables. Don't be distracted from looking after your luggage at the train station - your most valuable bag may disappear as soon as you look at something.
Step 9
Don't drink too much - drunk tourists are very often victims of thieves and other criminals of all stripes.