Traveling is always a risk. The risk of being robbed, the risk of injury, the risk of getting sick, and so on. But, in order to protect yourself, you should think over all your actions to the smallest detail. In second place after the danger of illness is robbery. What should you change in your perception and actions so that you are not robbed?

1. Backpack
A backpack is not only convenient, but also safe when traveling, therefore it is with backpacks that you can most often meet a tourist. It is advisable to purchase a sports model that will have enough space inside, separate pockets, and also comfortable shoulder straps. In general, there are very comfortable backpacks, in which the zipper is hidden so that you can open it only if you remove it from the back, and the material is so strong that you cannot tear it with a knife.
2. Wallet
It shouldn't be stuffed with money and look pretentious. Well, for example, you are used to taking your expensive wallet and got it from a souvenir shop, be prepared for the fact that you are now being watched, and as soon as you are distracted, this wallet will be snatched from your hands or stolen right out of your bag. Therefore, we advise you to get a small rag wallet or cosmetic bag and not take a lot of money with you, as well as not take credit cards.
3. Suitcase protection
You are afraid to leave your suitcase unprotected in the room, but there is no safe, which is a good option, buy a small lock with keys and close your suitcase to stay safe.
4. Check your account
Very often, administrators, waiters like to enter into the bills a couple of extra dollars or services that they did not provide. Be sure to do this before you pay the bill.
Be attentive and careful.