On vacation, you can easily become a victim of sunstroke, which will not only ruin at least one day of your vacation, but also harm your health.

Sunstroke can happen if a person is in the sun without a headgear for more than 15 minutes. Someone is more susceptible to sunstroke, while someone can live their whole life without ever having to face this phenomenon. Sunstrokes can be roughly divided into three groups, depending on the degree of difficulty. With a mild degree of sunstroke, symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, and constant nausea appear. Breathing quickens, pupils dilate, pulse rises. In this case, the person must be immediately taken to the shade or a cool place, given water to drink, if necessary, make a compress or just wash. The moderate degree is rare and is usually notable for suddenness. At this time, the temperature may rise to 40 ° C, headache, nausea or vomiting will appear. The person will be in a fainting state with rapid breathing and pulse. A severe headache may start. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor and call an ambulance for the victim. With a severe degree of sunstroke, loss of consciousness occurs, the temperature can rise to 41 ° C, hallucinations, convulsions, delirium are possible. In this case, it is also necessary to immediately call an ambulance, and put cold compresses on the chest and head to the victim. To avoid the unpleasant consequences of sunstroke, you need to follow simple rules: - you cannot be in the sun without a hat, especially for the period from 12-00 to 16-00. It is during this period that the most sunshine falls; - be sure to wear not only a light headdress of light color, but also use sunglasses; - in order to avoid overheating, it is better to give preference to light-colored clothes made only from natural fabrics; - while on vacation, it is not recommended to spend the first day on the shore, the body needs to be prepared for the sun's rays gradually; - we must not forget about the large amount of water that you need to drink daily, and also not to abuse heavy food, giving preference to soups, salads, dairy products; - it is best to use an umbrella on the beach, and combine tanning with swimming so that the body does not overheat; - at the first symptoms and worsening of the condition, it is better to consult a doctor in order to avoid negative consequences and not ruin the vacation.