Malinovka is a railway station located on the Riga direction of the Moscow railway. It is located in the Istra district of the Moscow region. Malinovka was built on the Nakhabino - Dedovsk stretch in 1966. The reason for its appearance is the dacha development that began in this area of the Moscow region.

Step 1
The most convenient and simple way from Moscow to the Malinovka platform is a commuter train. More than a dozen trains leave from the Rizhsky railway station, which can take you to Malinovka. For example, electric trains that follow the route "Moscow - Volokolamsk", "Moscow -" Rumyantsevo "," Podolsk - "Dedovsk" or "Moscow - Shakhovskaya" or "Chekhov - Novoierusalimka". Trains leave almost every half hour throughout the day. And in all cases, trains go from the Rizhsky railway station to the Malinovka platform no more than 55 minutes.
Step 2
You can get to "Malinovka" not only from the Rizhskii voksovo. There is an opportunity to take a train on the Dmitrovskaya platform - for this you need to take the metro to the Dmitrovskaya station in the third carriage from the center, and then get off to the railway platform from which the trains leave. And the road will take 45 minutes.
Step 3
You can also get to Malinovka from the Leningradskaya platform. To do this, you need to get off at the Voykovskaya metro station from the last carriage from the center, and then change to an electric train. The way to "Malinovka" will be 50 minutes.
Step 4
There is another route. It is necessary to take the Moscow-Dedovsk suburban train, which departs from the Kursk railway station and go to the Malinovka station. Travel time will take no more than 55 minutes.
Step 5
There is another option - to leave the Tushino platform. To do this, you need to get to the Tushinskaya metro station in the first carriage from the center, and then change to the train. The road to the platform "Malinovka" will take about 40 minutes.
Step 6
Unfortunately, buses and fixed-route taxis do not go to Malinovka. Therefore, you can reach your destination by car. To do this, you need to leave the Moscow Ring Road to Volokolamskoe highway and continue along the M9 highway and go in the direction of Krasnogorsk, Opalikha and Istra. 25 kilometers after leaving the Moscow Ring Road, turn left off the M9 highway, go around Dedovsk and get to the Malinovka platform. Travel time will be no more than 50 minutes. But only if there are no serious difficulties on the road.