Lost luggage, travel accidents - if this cannot be avoided, you can reduce the negative impact by insuring your belongings or life. There are several different ways you can do this.

Life and luggage insurance is a common practice in the West. In Russia, they are just getting used to such a measure. And still not everyone understands the importance of insurance, considering it an additional money-taking.
Perhaps this opinion of the Russian consumer is formed due to insufficient information. For example, travel insurance is not informative enough, and it is difficult for a person to understand why it is needed.
How to get insurance
There are several ways to obtain insurance against loss of baggage or against an accident. One of them is taking out insurance directly when buying a ticket. As a rule, it is offered automatically when the ticket is issued on the website of the airline or railways. The cost of such insurance is quite low - about 400 rubles per policy. It works only for a trip, i.e. stops as soon as the person leaves the plane or train. Naturally, if nothing happened. If an insured event occurs, the passenger will be able to claim compensation for losses - the cost of lost baggage or medical treatment costs.
Insurance, which can be obtained on the website when purchasing a ticket, covers such types of accidents as:
- harm to life, health or disability
- loss, damage to luggage.
You can take out insurance yourself with an insurance company. In this case, the following become the subject of insurance:
- temporary disability of a person, which occurred as a result of any accident with an airplane or train. Moreover, it does not matter at all what the severity of the accident is - it is an ordinary incident or a plane crash;
- injury to health arising as a result of an accident with a vehicle;
- getting a disability by the insured person due to an accident with a vehicle;
- death of the insured.
The amount of payments directly depends on the severity of the consequences. For example, the families of the deceased insured will be paid more than those who received minor injuries.
When it comes to luggage insurance, you can insure it against:
- lost;
- damage.
Insurance policy
For the insurance policy, the client pays the so-called insurance premium to the insurance company. It must be paid in the manner and within the terms specified in the insurance contract. Only in this case, the insurer has obligations to the policyholder. The cost of such a policy is determined by the base rates of a particular insurance company. It will not be possible to calculate the average price, since each insurer has its own rates.
According to the concluded agreement, the insurance begins to operate from the moment the insured passes the pre-flight inspection or boarding the train and works before he leaves the airfield or train.
As for transit passengers, they are also insured for the entire period of their stay in the transit zone of the transfer airport. If he leaves the airport on his own, for example, to walk around the city, the insurance is temporarily suspended and resumes when he comes back.
As for baggage, the period of validity of the policy is from the moment of check-in, when the baggage goes to the baggage compartment by tape, and until it is handed over to the policyholder.