Each airline independently establishes the rules for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage on board the aircraft. However, they all have prohibitions and restrictions based on legislation and flight safety. Before buying and booking a ticket, be sure to read the rules of carriage of passengers of this airline.

Carry-on baggage rules
In the rules for the carriage of passengers, there is necessarily a clause on the carriage of hand luggage directly in the cabin of the aircraft. Any carry-on baggage will be inspected and weighed. Moreover, many carriers have a strict limit on the weight of hand luggage. And some low-cost airlines generally prohibit the carriage of baggage in the cabin. And passengers will have to limit themselves to a small bag with documents, and pay for the excess according to the tariffs.
Baggage rules govern not only the weight of bags and suitcases, but also their contents. And if everything is clear with piercing and cutting objects, then what about food. Taking food on the plane with you is often a forced measure, because it is not known how long you will have to wait for departure in case of force majeure, and arrival at the airport three hours before departure raises the question - where to eat?
You can take your own food and carry it on board the aircraft in your carry-on baggage following the airline's rules. All carriers prohibit carrying liquids on board. The only exceptions are passengers with children. They can take up to 100 ml of fluid for each child. It can be just water, juice, milk, baby food. By the way, a fairly large list of products belongs to liquids, for example, it includes yogurt, soup (in a thermos), canned food, and so on. It is better for adult passengers not to take risks and buy all liquids already in the departure area after security check.
Food on board
Some passengers go beyond just snacks and carry local delicacies such as cheeses, fruits and jamon in their bags. Customs officers will let a couple of apples in a lady's reticule, but the kilogram is gone. Moreover, different countries have their own personal restrictions. For example, sturgeon caviar cannot be exported from Finland. One package of soft cheese will be completely missed, they can already find fault with the pair. And in the country of arrival, questions regarding luggage may arise if the region has introduced a quarantine for certain products of animal origin.
If you are transporting food for personal use and do not plan to use them on the plane, it is better to put them in a suitcase, pre-packed in a thermal bag, but not more than 5 kilograms per person. And it is better to buy drinks in glass containers at all in duty-free shops. Duty-free packages will not be screened and you will be able to bring on board regulated amounts of alcohol, chocolate and local delicacies.
If the desire to take food on board the aircraft is dictated by the fact that the passenger requires special meals, it is necessary to study the list of services provided by the airline. Major carriers (Aeroflot, Ural Airlines, Air France, etc.) offer a special menu on board the aircraft, which must be ordered at least one day before departure. This service is free of charge.