The power of the water flow determines how deep a river is. This is the most important characteristic of any river. Two full-flowing rivers flow on the territory of Russia.

Full-flowing rivers of the world
The Amazon is the deepest and longest river in the world. In addition, it has a complex and peculiar water regime. The Amazon remains deep throughout the year. From January to March, tropical rains filling the river overflows to incredible proportions. When it flows into the ocean, the Amazon forms the largest delta in area.
The deep river Congo (Zaire) is the longest in Africa, the second in water content after the Amazon. It is the only major river that crosses the equator twice.
A feature of the Orinoco River, the third longest, is its seasonality. During seasonal rains, the river overflows, then sharply shallows. During periods of flooding, Orinoco threatens to wash away the surrounding villages forever.
The Yangtze (Yellow River) is recognized as the longest Asian river. Four out of five freshwater lakes in China feed the Yangtze. When it flows into the lake, this river forms a delta with an area of 80 thousand km, which is equivalent to the territory of Austria.
The Mississippi is the second largest river in America after the Amazon. It has snow and rain power. Mississippi is the pride of the United States, and at 19 - early. 20th century played a primary role as a navigable artery of this country.
The Parana River flows through several South American countries, the largest river on this continent after the Amazon. Her food is mainly rain-fed. Because of this, the water level is uneven, sometimes floods and floods occur.
The Mekong is the largest river in the Indochina Peninsula. The total area of its water basin is 975 thousand km. It flows through the territory of 4 states: China, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam. In China, the Mekong is called Lancangjiang. The Mekong River abounds in rapids along its entire course. Of these rapids in Laos, a waterfall is made, which got its name from the name of the river - the Mekong. The life of the river is inextricably linked with shipping.
Major waterways of Russia
The most full-flowing river in Russia is the Yenisei. The Kyrgyz in ancient times called her "mother river". The Yenisei flows through Siberia. This is a deep enough river that even deep-seated vessels can move around.
The Siberian Lena River flows through Eastern Siberia and is recognized as one of the longest in the world. It flows into the Arctic Ocean, namely the Laptev Sea. The drainage basin of the Lena - 2.5 million sq. Km. It has about 500 tributaries. Lena is of particular importance for Yakutia, as it connects it with the rest of the country. Navigation on the Lena River lasts no more than 130-170 days a year, as the river freezes over.