China is not only one of the largest countries in the world and the most populous part of the planet. China is a centuries-old tradition, these are special rules of behavior and communication, and therefore those who are going to visit this country as a tourist simply must familiarize themselves with them.

China attracts tourists from all over the world, first of all, for its centuries-old culture, customs and cultural values. Tourism in China is focused on attracting the attention of the world community to the cultural heritage of the people, the peculiarities of unusual architecture, because this country is rightfully considered the cradle of civilization that has made a huge contribution to the development of world culture. In China, traditions have not changed for many centuries; certain ceremonies are observed, which are fundamentally different from those in other countries. In addition, the indigenous people are characterized by special religious canons and beliefs. They have their own unique view of some things, of the worldview as a whole.
Features of behavior in China
Holidays in Asian countries, and especially in China, are becoming extremely popular. But the countries of this continent have their own specific orders and customs, rules of conduct. What is possible in a European country is considered almost a crime in China. For example, it is not recommended to interrupt a conversation between two Chinese, it is ugly to leave food on a plate, it is better to take as much of a dish as is necessary.
An attempt to photograph the interior of churches or private houses is considered a much more serious offense, but you can do this in a museum. You can take pictures of people as much as you like, but only outdoors.
In some cities of the country, it is not customary to tip; this can offend the owner of a restaurant or cafe. In Hong Kong, taxi drivers do not give change and do not know English at all, and the tourist must provide them with a note with the address of the place where he needs to go.
Both in small bazaars and in large markets, it is imperative to bargain, consent to buy an item at a specified price is considered bad form. And you definitely need to smile - the Chinese are very friendly and almost non-conflicting people, they are sure that any problem can be solved simply by discussing it and expressing their opinion.
What else you need to know for those traveling to China
It is best to use the Chinese national currency to pay for services and buy souvenirs in China. Moreover, it is better to take care of the exchange of money before the trip, and not upon arrival in the country.
The Chinese government or customs should not be criticized categorically. For such an offense, you can incur serious punishment, up to expulsion from the country.
When walking along city streets, you need to be extremely careful, since neither motorists nor cyclists, as a rule, follow the traffic rules.
And one more feature - you cannot take expensive lighters to China, since they are allowed in there, but they are not allowed to be exported.