The number of Russian tourists seeking to spend their holidays in Finland is growing every year. Many Petersburgers and residents of Karelia travel to the neighboring country for holidays and festivals, for shopping and even acquire summer cottages there. Most often, visitors, of course, visit Helsinki. Getting to the Finnish capital is now easy.

Step 1
Branded trains run from Moscow to Helsinki. They leave from the Leningradsky railway station (the circular metro line, Komsomolskaya station). The journey between the capitals takes from 14 to 17 hours. By the way, you can take these trains in St. Petersburg, only they do not go to Finland, but to Ladozhsky railway station.
Step 2
The easiest way to get to Helsinki is from St. Petersburg. Several high-speed Allegro trains run to the Finnish capital. They leave from Finland Station, so first you need to get to it. This is the metro station "Ploschad Lenina", it is located on the red line. The journey from St. Petersburg to Helsinki takes just over six hours. Trains have one definite plus - they don't get stuck in traffic jams, and besides, crossing the border takes very little time. This type of transport has only one drawback. Not everyone can afford tickets at a substantial price.
Step 3
The bus trip will be much cheaper. True, the bus can stand at the border for quite a long time. Regular buses run between St. Petersburg and Helsinki, which leave from the bus station on Obvodny or from the Pulkovskaya hotel. The hotel is located near the Moskovskaya metro station, which is on the blue line.
Step 4
There are also sightseeing flights to Helsinki, but they are ordered through travel agencies. As a rule, they depart from the Oktyabrskaya hotel (metro stations Ploshchad Vosstaniya or Mayakovskaya) or from Moskovskaya. In addition, you can gather a group and negotiate with any minibus owner who has a license for passenger transportation. Bus routes connect Helsinki not only with St. Petersburg, but also with Petrozavodsk, from where a regular bus leaves for the neighboring country every day.
Step 5
The fastest way to get to Helsinki is, of course, by plane. You can find a suitable flight from Moscow, St. Petersburg or Cherepovets.
Step 6
The ferry service between the two cities has recently become very popular among the residents of St. Petersburg. Ferries "Princess Anastasia" and "Princess Mary" leave from the Northern capital at a very convenient time, arrive at the port of Helsinki in the morning, depart in the evening, so there is an opportunity to see everything and go shopping. Add to this a magnificent boat trip in the Baltic, which is interesting in itself. However, before going on the road, do not forget to check the weather forecast. If a strong southwest wind is expected at the time of your return to St. Petersburg, the ferry may linger in front of the dam.
Step 7
As for the highways from St. Petersburg, there are three checkpoints to Helsinki - in Torfyanovka, Brusnichny and Svetogorsk. They are loaded about the same. Traffic through checkpoints in Karelia is somewhat less intensive. Consider which days the queues may be longest. As a rule, when leaving Russia, this happens before Lutheran Christmas, Johannus, Kalevala Day and some other holidays.