What To See In France

What To See In France
What To See In France

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France is an amazing place visited by millions of tourists every year. The main symbols of the country are exquisite wine, gourmet cuisine, fashion houses, the Eiffel Tower, and the legendary Louvre. France to this day excites many creative minds and makes romantic hearts beat faster.

What to see in France
What to see in France


Step 1

Paris with its sights is the main mecca of tourists. The capital is home to Notre Dame, the Louvre, and the Eiffel Tower, and the main European Disneyland is located nearby. However, France does not end in Paris. In addition to this legendary and very popular city, the country has many amazing corners.

Step 2

One of the most beautiful places in the country is the Loire Valley. The banks of the river are a real mine of limestone. For many centuries, the material has been used to build amazing palaces, temples, castles. In the valley of the Loire River, unique parks are laid out, accompanying spectacular palace complexes. If you want to stroll through the classic French garden, be sure to visit this place.

Step 3

Another natural and architectural monument is called Versailles. Here you can visit the famous royal palace and enjoy a stroll through the well-kept and extraordinarily beautiful park. It should be noted that Versailles is one of the most beautiful and richest towns in the country.

Step 4

Another French city, Bordeaux, is not poor either. Here you can enjoy not only the delicious local wine, but also a walk among the Gothic cathedrals and mansions. More than 300 buildings in the city are on the list of protected world heritage sites.

Step 5

One of the sights worth seeing in France is the Mont Saint Michel island. This place consists of sharp-pointed rocks and is connected to the mainland by means of a dam. Today the island has a historical significance: the Medieval village has been completely preserved here, the central structure of which is the chic and unique Grand Monastery. The French themselves consider Mont Saint Michel the second main symbol of the country (the first is the Eiffel Tower).

Step 6

In addition to historical and architectural sights, France is rich in interesting natural places. A great example is the Cote d'Azur - the French Riviera. There are many cozy bays and popular resort towns (Nice, Saint Tropez, etc.) on the coast. The Mediterranean beaches of France are a great place for relaxation, fun and relaxation.

Step 7

Lovers of rural peace and quiet should pay attention to the town of Giverny. A quiet town located on the border with Normandy, it became famous thanks to the artist Claude Monet, who loved nature and solitude. In Giverny, the painter built a house and laid out a gorgeous garden with a large pond and many beautiful plants. This place is open both for fans of the founder of impressionism and for lovers of beautiful parks.

Step 8

Another French natural attraction deserves special attention - the gorge de Verdon. This place is located in Provence and in terms of scale is not inferior to the legendary Grand Canyon in the United States. In the gorge, you can test your courage by going on a kayaking trip, taking a cable car ride or walking among the wilderness.
