How To Choose A Tent Heater

How To Choose A Tent Heater
How To Choose A Tent Heater

Tourists, climbers, and winter fishing enthusiasts strive to get on vacation with maximum comfort. A heater can provide the proper conditions. Gas heaters are the most popular these days because, among other things, they weigh much less than old-fashioned stoves.

How to choose a tent heater
How to choose a tent heater

Which to choose?

Winter travel is now extremely popular, and accordingly, the demand for heaters is great. It is rather difficult to buy a traditional stove, which was hung under the roof of the tent on chains and fired with wood, in a store. As a rule, craftsmen made them with their own hands, but now this heater option is gradually falling out of use, since such stoves are quite large, weigh a lot, and fuel for them is not always at hand. Recently, catalytic heaters are becoming more and more popular. They have a high efficiency, they weigh little, do not require searching for fuel, the likelihood of carbon monoxide poisoning is zero. Oxidation occurs at a temperature that is below the combustion temperature, and, accordingly, the likelihood of a fire decreases to almost zero. Negative points - such a heater is not universal, cannot be disassembled and runs on gasoline. In addition, such a heater cannot immediately produce a high temperature. A gas heater is lighter than a wood stove and is able to immediately provide a high temperature. In addition, it is compact and does not give off a specific odor like catalytic. This is what makes him most popular.

Who produces them

On sale you can find gas heaters from various manufacturers. They are different in power and design. In addition, different types of cylinders are used. Cylinders are collet and threaded, in the second case, an adapter is usually included in the kit. Gas heaters are produced by companies such as Coleman, Kovea, ISH. Kovea products are mostly intended for fishermen. The power of the heaters is 0.9-1.67 kW. Both types of cylinders are used. Heaters from this company are relatively inexpensive. ISH cylinders have similar characteristics, American heaters with the Coleman brand are mixed, gas-catalytic. They work on threaded cartridges. Unfortunately, cylinders from other manufacturers are not suitable for these heaters. In addition, the products of this company can be quite expensive, since not a ceramic plate is placed on them, but a platinum-coated canvas. But relatively cheap models can also be found on sale. In addition, these heaters have insufficient heat transfer for the conditions of the Russian North, that is, you will have to buy another special nozzle. The power of these heaters is 0.85-1.1 kW.

Domestic manufacturer

There are also heaters of the Russian company Elekon on the market. In terms of their technical characteristics, they are in no way inferior to imported ones. Power and heat dissipation roughly correspond to Korean parameters; both types of cylinders are used. But when buying a heater from this company, you should pay special attention to the labeling, because for some reason this particular brand is especially fond of Chinese manufacturers, and a lot of fakes appeared in stores that do not always correspond to the quality.
