Not only your mood, but also your health depends on the right choice of a tourist tent. An uncomfortable, wind-blown tent is sure to cause sleeplessness, and such a trip will not bring you any pleasure.

What are the designs of tents
Before purchasing a tent for hiking, you should determine the topography of the area where you will be pitching it, the number of prospective residents and, importantly, the season. The inner living space of the tent is also of great importance.
Among the most common tent designs are the tent tent, the spherical turtle, and the house tent. The tent tent is designed for large groups of tourists. The metal frame of the tent is made of duralumin, very reliable and durable. The tent tent can withstand any gust of wind.
Turtle tents are intended for small groups of tourists. One tent can accommodate no more than 4 people.
Tents "houses" are the most popular among married couples, but they rather poorly protect their inhabitants from bad weather and gusts of wind. In addition, to set up such a tent requires a certain skill and experience. Your best bet is to choose a tent that you can set up quickly and without any hassle.
A few tips before buying a tent
When choosing a tourist tent, first of all, you should pay attention to the millimeters of waterproofness of the tent awning. Usually this figure is from 2000 to 3000 mm in. st. / sq. m, and the thickness of the bottom of the tent should be twice as large.
When buying a tent, it is advisable to ask a consultant to install it in the store so that you can see how it is installed. It will be useful to practice setting up a tent at home.
Going on a hiking trip, you should stock up on reinforced cellophane, which must be laid under the bottom so that it does not sag and better protect the tent from moisture and dampness.
The poles of the tent should not be made of plastic, but of duralumin or aluminum.
The awning should not touch the walls of the tent. The awning should feel resilient and evenly taut to the touch. Various sagging or excessive tension of the tarpaulin indicate a defect. It is recommended to lubricate all seams before setting up the tent.
In theory, the tent should weigh about 1 kg, but in practice the weight can be 5 or even 6 kg. It is not very convenient to carry such a tent on yourself, unless you are traveling by car.
Among the most common characteristics of a tent, such as a rubberized floor with curved edges, side pockets, mesh sections, ventilation, reinforced nylon on the walls of the tent. Conveniently located poles inside the tent.
It is desirable that the tent has two exits and an entrance vestibule where you can change and take off your shoes. A canopy that completely covers the tent must not touch the tent itself.
Among tourists, St. Petersburg tents are considered good, but it all depends on the complexity of the route chosen and the time of year.